Chapter 21 "Date"

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 What really had me in shock was that I never expect the unexpected. Like yesterday, Kaylyn told me it's no use of sticking onto something or should I say someone if you know you might not get it. Well, I finally took my mind off of a certain someone and carried on my life as usually but then I got a call. 

"Hello? This is Y/N." I said over the phone quietly in the bathroom at my workplace. Even though I spoke in a low soft voice, I can hear my voice echoing through the bathroom. 

"Hey, it's me Harry. Remember, I said I was going to call you." He greeted me over the phone calmly. I can hear the noise from his background, sounds like he's near the beach or something. 

"Oh....hey...What's up?" I asked neutrally. I wanted to sound excited but having expectations to a point of giving up just brushes off my excitement. 

"It's everything alright? I was hoping we can go out tonight for dinner, like a date?" He asked. I didn't give him a response for a few seconds so he kept talking. "It's okay if you don't want to, I just wanted to get to know you more and I think you were cute yesterday at the groceries."

"What? What are you talking about." I said nervously with my voice getting higher after every word before I bust out in a nervous chuckle. I feel like I'm already in tears, except it's sweat dripping from my head. It's really hot in here since the air conditioning in the bathroom needs to go through maintenance. 

"You know what I'm talking about, your face was red like a cherry." Harry teasing me, but then it also reminded me of the girl he was with that day. 

"What about that other girl you were with?" I simply asked, I didn't want to sound so demeaning or at least I don't want to show him I was a bit jealous when I saw them together. 

"The other girl? Oh! Stella! She's my sister's maid of honor, we went out to get some last minute groceries before they head out for their honeymoon." He told me everything in the simplest form of a sentence. I couldn't believe I got jealous of something little like that, especially when I barely even know Harry. What's even weird was that Harry and Liam knew each other and that's because their parents are close friends with each other. 

"Hmm...okay I would like to go on a date with you." I said opening the bathroom stall door. I could see my reflection on the mirror, my cheeks were already blushing and a flustered smile appeared before my eyes. "Let's talk about this during lunch, right now I'm at work." 

We ended the call nicely, I felt like a seventeen year old girl again crushing on some guy who I may never notice me. Except this time, he did. 

I told Kaylyn all about it right after lunch. In fact she was with me during the chat I had with Harry so she heard everything. After working the morning session, Kaylyn and I went out to lunch for Mexican food and Harry called. He was asking tons of questions so he can make sure the date would be perfect for tonight. 

I went back to work on a couple of things for a recent project the firm had been working on. I just needed to send some files before the deadline which is tomorrow and I'm off to find the perfect outfit for my date with Harry tonight. 

Before I left the building, I had to request a leave of absence for three days: today, tomorrow and Wednesday. Apparently this date that Harry is planning, it's going to be a long one.

I got home and took a shower so I would be smelling sweet for the date. I was contemplating whether I should wash my hair or not. I did at the end, and got out of the shower around four. I had only less than two hours and a half  left before Harry comes to pick me up. 

Stretching out my hands down to open the dusty closet door knob, I scanned the room for the perfect dress. This walk-in closet hasn't been touched for a while. It's where I store most of my valuable and fancy clothing and accessories which I barely use, unless it's for a special occasion.

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