Chapter 25 "Let's play first, ride second and eat third."

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"Actually Harry would be coming on board with us too." I told Justin and Hailey as we left lunch and we're going to the amusement park Harry had planned.

"Oh! Nice, Harry are you excited?" Hailey asked him as the four of us walk down the path after paying for our tickets.

"Definitely! Can't wait to spend more time with this girl." Harry pulled me closed into a tight side hug and kissed my forehead.

"So you'll want to split up or w'ere doing this together?" I asked looking into two different pathways, one side leading to the rides first and the other one leads to a row of stalls with different games for you to win prizes.

"What kind of question is that? We're totally going as a group, it's more fun this way." Justin excitedly told me as he was seen all jumpy, full with energy and ready to drain it all out for fun. 

"Let's play first, ride second and eat third."

"So will we be carrying back a lot of toys today?" I asked. 

"Yes we should!" Harry exclaimed. 

"We shall dominate these games!" Justin shouted.

"Let's win all of these prizes!" Hailey screamed.

The four of us ran into the carnival game section like little kids at the playground. Our goal today is to win as much prizes as we can, and since we don't have luggage we can certainly carry it all back home. 

"Shall we play ring toss?" Hailey asked, looking at the large area of glass bottles waiting to be caught by rings. 

"Yes! Let's play!" I screamed out loud startling the people around us. 

We went to talk to the person in charge and asked about the rules. He explained to us kindly, and told us that it's possible to win most of the prizes. He decided that we can work as a team and if we score enough points in total, he can give us the prizes based on our score. 

We split into two teams as couples, the area was reserved for us as we payed him for the time. One of side is ours and the next theirs. We each bought twenty rings with each rings representing five points if it hooks on the bottle's neck. Each prize is worth ten points. They normally give you three chances for a ticket. 

"Are you ready?" The guy announced.

"Yes!!!" The four of us screamed as we gathered in our tossing positions. 


It's not a time game, but we gave ourselves a limited time to finish it so it'll be more difficult. 

My first try almost go in but it hit the mouth and fell down. Harry was doing so well, he's got two rings on the neck of the bottles already. Hailey was pretty good too, she's tied with Harry so far. Justin was struggling, he has already wasted four tried. 

After picking up the pace, I have got then hang of it and know the right angle to fling it. As the time has been called, which was three minutes was up we all had used out our rings. By that time, I felt like I've been sweating and I saw that some people were gathered around spectating us.

"Alright, let's see how much you guys got." The guy said and started to count Hailey and Justin's side. Then he finished and moved on to our side. 

"Woah, not bad you guys." He said and then told us how many points each team got. It looked like Justin and Hailey has got twenty eight points whereas Harry and I got thirty two points. This means the Biebers can get five toys while we get six toys. 

"We should use our remainder points together." I suggested. They nodded and we got another extra toy, but instead of keeping it we gave it to a little kid who played before us and haven't earned enough points for a prize. 

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