Chapter 26 "Let's eat first, ride second and play third."

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"Actually Harry would be coming on board with us too." I told Justin and Hailey as we left lunch and we're going to the amusement park Harry had planned.

"Oh! Nice, Harry are you excited?" Hailey asked him as the four of us walk down the path after paying for our tickets.

"Definitely! Can't wait to spend more time with this girl." Harry pulled me closed into a tight side hug and kissed my forehead.

"So you'll want to split up or w'ere doing this together?" I asked looking into two different pathways, one side leading to the rides first and the other one leads to a row of stalls with different games for you to win prizes.

"What kind of question is that? We're totally going as a group, it's more fun this way." Justin excitedly told me as he was seen all jumpy, full with energy and ready to drain it all out for fun. 

"Let's eat first, ride second and play third."

"Ahh I want cotton candy!" I exclaimed pointing at the cotton candy cart while jumping up and down holding on to Harry's hand tightly. 

"But didn't we just ate?!" Justin flinged his arms up in the air. 

"Um yeah...but who says we can't eat more." I ran to the cotton candy man like a little kid. "Do you guys want any?" I shouted.

The three of them followed behind nodding their heads.

"Four please." 

We each got our own stick of cotton candy strolling through the path searching for our next target.

"I do feel a bit hungry now." Justin said.

Hailey agreed. 

"Hey look!" Harry pointed at a what should be said as 'paradise'.

We  each went through each food place one by one, passing by and eating snow cones, popcorns, hotdogs, funnel cake, caramel apples....etc

"Woah I don't think I can handle it anymore." Harry said sitting on the bench with his back slouched down like the rest of us.

"I'm stuffed." I replied taking a bite of French fries resistantly. "Anyone want my fries?"

"I think I can take one more." Hailey said raising her hand slowly. "Nope, never mind." 

(Don't mind me, but there would be a few food pictures down the path.)

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