Sleepless Night

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"My inside churned and churned as if machines were methodically grinding my inner organs to a pulp" I read the same line for the 6th time in a row, concentration didn't seem nearby so I closed the novel. I laid on the bed trying to get my mind off things I couldn't control. My body needed rest but my brain wouldn't stop talking to itself, 2am knew my every thought. I had an early morning class I couldn't miss for any reason but, the battle in my head wouldn't let me sleep.
The thought of starting a fresh week disturbed every fiber of my being.
"Why was Monday so far from Friday yet, Friday so close to Monday?" I wondered.
Sighing at my own thoughts, I took my diary and scribbled;
"You were my ride or die but you let me die inside,
Love kept me in a position common sense couldn't take me out of.
It is 2 in the morning and all I think of is you,
just you."

The buzzing of my phone woke me up
I wasn't really awake but never was I really asleep.
Who could it be? I mumbled as I stretched my hand to take the phone, It was my mum.
"Mum" I said half thrilled
"Yes baby" her voice was the same as always, soft.
"How is my favorite girl doing?"
"All good mum and my favorite woman?" I asked while smiling
"I'm fine baby and Jack? she asked
I felt my blood drain as she mentioned his name
"We are okay mum" I said in a reduced tone
"You are talking to Amanda and I happen to be your mother young lady, you know you are not good at lying baby so what's the problem?"

I hate how she knew me so well or was I just a terrible liar? I wondered.
I wasn't ready to tell her yet not just yet and again she sensed that
"I understand baby take your time, i'll be right here ready to listen when you are ready to talk" she said softly.
Mothers instincts had its way. I don't know what I did to deserve this woman but I think it must have been something really good. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I just wished I was by her
"I love you mum" was all I managed to say as I sobbed
"I love you 'morest' " She said jokingly
We both giggled and I felt my heart feel lighter
"I will hang up now baby"
"Ok mum" I said sadly and she hung up.

The black gown I wore hugged my body giving a close-fitting, my already straightened hair gave me the confidence I needed, good hair days made me feel like I could rule the world.

My stomach grumbled as I reached my class, it was then I realized I hadn't eaten for a day and a half. Whenever a teacher walked in the whole place became silent and, today wasn't any different. Sixty minutes of a tensed atmosphere some people were just born to make studying difficult and understanding impossible.
My next class was scheduled in about 4 hours. I was caught between going back to my hostel and hanging around campus, I chose the latter.
I moved to my favorite spot in school hoping I wouldn't bump into Jack, I was too drained for drama. Deserted was a good word I could use to describe the spot this made me love it more. My stomach grumbled again reminding me it needed food while I sat down, I wasn't in the mood for food.
Waves of memories hit me as I sat. It was then I realized how much my life had changed.
Tears rolled down my cheeks, here I was left with nothing but a tear stained face and memories to haunt me forever.
After about 10 minutes of watery eyes I felt a hand on my left shoulder. Only 1 person could make my body stiffen and cause paleness to tingle my face
It had to be him

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