Until midnight

92 30 5

I looked at the clouds like a meteorologist, it won't rain, I told myself as I stepped out of class. I was done for the day.
"Psychotherapy, Sky, Home" I thought out loud drawing my plan for the day.

Today I was 5mins early. Unlike yesterday, John wasn't here.
"I'm happy you could make it" Amelia said.
I smiled, not knowing what to say.
"you know it is not enough to just start. You have to keep going"
So why on earth will I pay a huge sum of money just to mark time?, I think that would be a real psychological problem. I wasn't backing out on this
"Choosing to associate with positive, optimistic people will help accelerate positive growth" she read the words out loud from an A4 paper
"I think that's one of your many problems, the people around you, the friends you keep" she said fixing her gaze on me.
A little voice in my head whispered, "Should We tell her"?
"I don't have friends" I said almost immediately
My thoughts drifted to John, if he wasn't my friend, who was he then? I stuffed my hands in my hair as if the answer to the question was in it. The voices in my head never stop amazing me, also, the way my mind strayed was call for concern. There were times I just thought about silly things when doing important things, like wondering if penguins had knees.
Idleness had its ways, I felt like a slice of crazy pie.

"Everybody dies but not everybody lives, Let go Lisa" Amelia's last words kept ringing in my head as I sat in the cab. Did time really heal all wounds or did it just help hide them?, I wondered. I pulled my heavy red shawl over my sleeveless gown as if the wounds were visible on my skin.
The drive was a long one but, I had already conditioned my mind.
As we got closer to John's place, the weather was becoming dull. The clouds which were wispy and white earlier were now darker and dense.
"Thank you" I said to the driver as I hurriedly opened the door and flew out of the cab. There were always these days when my weather forecasting went wrong. The earlier I accepted the fact that weather forecast wasn't my thing, the better for me.
I was ushered in by the same uniformed man who did last time, the only difference was he smiled this time around.
I was freezing by the time I got in. 3 girls, all dressed uniformly were busy cleaning, as in thorough cleaning, Sky the general overseer sat on the closest cue chair to the TV, she was engrossed in Nickelodeon
I walked behind her tingling her from behind, she giggled as she skipped from the chair. So much joy in this soul, I thought as she laughed
Why would her mum not want to watch her grow no matter the odds?.
The thought of life without my mum sent chills down my spine, I shook my head and swallowed hard.
Sky saved me from drowning in my own thoughts as she clung on legs.
"Nana has been waiting for you" she said
"Nana?" I tried processing

I thought it had to be John waiting for me

"Yes, Nana is my nanny, who was also dad's nanny" she explained as she took me towards the kitchen... We entered the stainless kitchen
"Damnnnnn..." I screamed in my head
I could hear the gentle swish from the dishwasher, the humming of the refrigerator . The porcelain floor tile which was spotless matched the professionally designed cupboards. My ancient ideas would never have come up with this. I stood lusting over a kitchen
"good day Lis" The familiar voice brought me back to my senses
"Forgive my manners, good day Nana"
"you just had to join the nana crew" she said as she smiled
Sky ran out of the kitchen as she chuckled
we both laughed

Nana grabbed what looked like a dish towel and began drying some items.
"We could start whenever you are ready" she said as she kept on drying
"I'm ready, just point me in the right direction so I could get the stuffs and start" I said
"Okay" she said giving me directions
"Are you good at pastries?" I asked trying to start a conversation
"No No, You have a total Pastry virgin on your hands" She said and we both laughed
Her choice of words was just what I needed to ease the tension

A flicker of lightening flashed, followed by a rumble of thunder. Sky came running to the kitchen
"Nana can I stay here(she paused) with you?" she asked calmly her voice full of fear
"yes you can angel"
Sky ran towards her nanny who brought her closer to her. The rumbling thunder scared her.
After about an hour, nana took her to her room, she was sleepy but she was scared of sleeping alone

I sat on a wooden chair waiting for the last cake in the oven. It was almost 12am, I wondered how I would go back, I still had a lot to do.
The rain bore down mercilessly as I removed the last cake.The sleeveless gown wasn't the best choice, I thought as goosebumps covered my arms. After shaping the cakes, I placed them on a cake stand so they could cool before I began frosting. I went back to the wooden chair, closed my eyes and listened to the raindrops. All of a sudden, I felt a hand on my shoulder which immediately sent chills down my spine. I was startled by the touch, I turned immediately as my adrenaline rose. Here he was, the blue eyed man stood staring at me
"Hi" he said and the smell of alcohol hit me immediately
"Are you drunk" I asked not replying his greetings
"If I was, would you let me stare at you?" He asked not sounding drunk
My cheeks flared up

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