Shenanigans of life

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Everything about this place was so familiar to me, I thought as I stood in front of the emergency unit. I wasn't allowed in, I stood outside a green door blind was hung in front of the door being a barrier to see through the transparent door. Anxiety stole my body as tears rolled down my cheeks. I could feel my legs becoming weak as I moved to the closest chair by the unit.

When the door flung opened, John walked out. I stood up as he came closer.
"Is she okay?" I asked trying to be calm
"You should sit down" He said
I had no strength to argue so quietly, we both sat down
"We gave her pain relievers and, at least the pain has subsided. We have to run some test on her before concluding on anything" he said calmly
I tried to fight back the tears which rolled down anyway. I bowed down my head like I was about to say a prayer avoiding eye contact with John
"Can I see her" My throat tightened as I spoke
"Yeah you can, but we have to dry off these salty drops" he said wiping my tears with his palms
I just couldn't hold it in anymore, I burst into tears, my heart felt like it was about to pop out of my chest.
"Shhhh" he said pulling me towards his shoulder
I actually needed a tight hug to feel okay I leaned on his shoulders as tears rolled down my cheeks
"Thank you" the words left my lips in a whisper
"Thank you too" he said
"why?" I asked
"For letting me be that shoulder you can lean on" He said
Do they say thank you for stuffs like that? I wondered

"Lisa" I could hear her struggle with my name
"Mum" I said fighting back tears
"I will be fine" She said as tears left her eyes
"Sure mum, you don't have a choice mum...You just have to be fine for me.. please" my throat tightened as the words left my lips
She nodded then, drifted into sleep. I sat on the  empty bed by her bed, watching her sleep. I watched her breath, I wanted to see her chest move up and down just to be sure life ran through her

A sudden change in temperature quickly made me realize the door had been opened, air came rushing in. I turned and standing there was a nurse I could easily tell from her attire.
"Good evening maam" she said sounding really formal
"Good evening" I responded
"Doctor John said he will be with you shortly, there was an emergency he had to attend to" she explained
He didn't have to this, I thought
"thank you" I said with a pasted smile
She smiled and left the room.

This job entailed more than I thought, I concluded after I heard stretchers being pushed out every now and then to the emergency room throughout the night. This wasn't all about the money, passion for their job kept them going
I was lost in my thoughts when I fell a hand on my shoulder. Startled a little, I turned immediately, John stood there with a stethoscope on his left hand and his right hand now on my shoulder
"Hey" I said as adrenaline ran through my veins
"You looked like you were about to run" he said half smiling and I smiled a little
John's smile faded when he looked at my mum. He tried to pretend when I looked at him but I could see the change in his mood.
"We should step out?" he said
I sat not wanting to leave but did anyway.
We walked to his office silently. He opened the bound door and let me walk in first I sat before I was even offered a chair.
We spoke about many things, I could sense he was trying to distract me but honestly I didn't want to hurry in getting a heart attack. My sweaty palms were evidence of my anxiousness
"Tell me already please" I pleaded
"Her results are out" he said
"Okay, tell me it's minor please" I said trying to be calm
He sent his hands to hold mine and immediately my eyes watered. I knew where this was driving to
"What's wrong with her" I asked
"She is suffering from Leukemia" He said
I did nothing but stare at him
"What are her chances?" I asked
"Trust the lord Lis" he said
"I did and he took my dad. I did and he gave her leukemia like I don't get it. Like what does he have against my personal happiness? I thought he had to watch over us or something or some people are exempted from that rule? I can't loose her, I just can't." Tears rolled down my cheeks, I felt my whole body shake, I just needed to be with her.
"Don't loose hope" he said and I slipped my hands out of his
"You won't get it" I blurted and stood to leave the room
He stood up and pulled me to his chest. I needed this, a tight hug to make me feel better but I needed a miracle more
I stood there in his arms lost in time, the knock on the door caused me to realize myself, before he could tell the person to come in, the door flung open
Warm honey eyes, that couldn't just be a coincidence. Looking at her made me envisage Sky in some years to come. I could bet on who she was.
"we have to talk" she said bluntly, looking at John
I didn't need to be told what to do, I walked out before I was asked to do so.
I could hear John call my name as I closed the door. I wasn't in for drama.

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