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A familiar fragrance caused me to jerk as I forced my swollen eyes open. I laid back on the bed realizing how weak I was. My thoughts drifted to the last thing I could remember, it was certain I was in a hospital, the polystyrene filled ceiling, the dustless surface, beautiful framed piece of art on the wall and distracting smell of flowers, last time I was in a hospital I remember it being devoid of beauty, no decoration and, curtains which tried to give privacy though you could hear everything from the other side. The mattress was comfortable unlike the worryingly thin one at the hostel
I then, wondered how I got here, I tried figuring it out but my eyes could barely stay open.

As the door silently slides open, a man walked-in, not too tall not too short just, average. He wore blue short-sleeved scrubs and navy blue pants with a white coat. His blue eyes could put the blue deep sea to shame, he had short dark hair and striking facial features
He caught me staring and I caught him staring
I looked horrible that was an unbeatable fact but I felt worse do I didn't really care. I fixed my gaze to the ticking clock
"Good afternoon miss" he said with a thick accent
I nodded not knowing why I didn't reply with words
"I'm doctor John. You were brought in last night...he paused
"Please permit me sit down" he pleaded
In Africa this kind of politeness happened only at private hospitals, they were so polite unlike their bills.
"Like I was saying, you were brought in here last night unconscious we ran some test and realized your system was flooded with sedatives" by now his gaze was fixed on me
"I took a couple of pills" I admitted
"Do you know how dangerous that was?" he questioned, his tone was conversational.
He rasped his fingers over the stubble of his chin
"Luckily we handled that but, you may not be so lucky next time" something about the way he sounded made me remember my mother, I envisaged her on that chair saying the same words, her dark eyes fixed on me, the thought of that sent chills down my spine

He stood straightening his white coat
"Permit me leave"
I noticed he had a thing for the word "Permit"
"A minute please, how did I get here?" I asked
"No name was registered" he said
I didn't come here on my own for sure, I said to myself
"but..." the words flew out of my head
"Please Miss, Permit me leave"
permission not granted my head screamed but I just nodded in approval

How did I get here? I laid down thinking

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