Flicker of warmth

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This book is a participant in the fan fiction awards by Bellarina50

The familiar white t-shirt that clung on his skin brought thousands of memories flooding. I shrugged off the many thoughts in my head breaking off from his stare.
"How did you get in here?" I asked
"I miss you Liz" He said
"Did you get in by missing me?" I asked furiously
"Sorry" he said almost in a whisper.
who are you? this wasn't Jack. I thought, stealing a glance of him to be sure taking few steps backwards thanks to common sense for reminding me how close we stood.
"How did you get in here?" I asked for the second time
"Through the door" Came his reply
"I'm not in for jokes" I snapped
"I came through the door Miss" He said almost at the top of his voice.
yeah that's the guy I know.. I screamed in my head
"That sounds more like you" I said widening my eyes.
"She grew horns" he said
"He didn't bother cutting his horns" I snapped
"Liz i am sor.."
"Spare me that, i'm in no mood for drama. For the last time how did you get in here?" I asked, cutting him short
"Okay. I came here few hours ago and knocked a couple of times. I later discovered the door wasn't closed, so...I got in" he explained
"That's believable" I said placing the wooden stick I had in my hand right where I took it from.
"Why did you leave the door open" he asked
"I didn't"
"Then who did" I could feel the vibration in his voice as he spoke
"None of your business" I snapped
His eyes said more than his lips did. He sure was trying to tame the beast in him but sadly I wasn't impressed.
While grumbling I unpacked the dresses I had folded into the bag.
"Do you think about us? me? Do you?" he asked
"Maybe" I said
"What crosses your mind when you do"
"How much you didn't deserve me" I said my anger now rising
"Was I that bad of a person?" he asked calmly
"Was that suppose to be a question" I asked
"You know you wouldn't have given up on us" he snapped
"Why is this even a topic? I asked
"You would have fought for me and stayed. You found excuses and left Liz why not reasons to stay?"
"If they keep hurting you, love them and stay or love yourself and leave, guess that's what they say right? I chose the latter."
"I love you Liz"
"Not again please"
"Is this because of John? tell me."
Memories came flooding as he spoke. I tried shrugging of the thoughts but it didn't make a difference
"You think you can just walk in and out of my life like am sort of a train station? No babe! this heart ain't a train station. Could you put yourself together and get off the table, can't you see? I don't have love to serve anymore. Let me be Jack"
"Liz i'm sorry can't you see..?"
"Yeah I can see, I see you reminiscing or is this just another bet? I am so drained and I can't help you be a man if you don't want to be. I cant teach you how to treat a lady right. I can't I can't please let me be" My throbbing heart could be heard miles away as I screamed . Anger stole my heart not letting me think before speaking.
"My defense line may not make any sense to you right now. I never imagined looking back at all our laughs would make me cry. I wish I fix this I wish  could explain to you how the sound of your voice sweeps me off my feet, how your gaze and smile makes my heart skip a beat. I have spent time trying to figure out the right words to make you forgive me, trying to let you see how much you complete me. I can't seem to forget the way you looked while sleeping next to me. I can't forget the butterflies in my belly while we kissed. I hate this I hate how vulnerable I am now, I want you to be happy believe me. will I sound self centered if I want you to be happy by me? I can't seem to stay off your path Liz, i've tried  believe me but my heart won't listen to my head anymore. It just wouldn't listen" his eyes spoke a thousand words more than his lips did. Every word sank deeper than I expected, I could feel all the emotions in his words right up to where I couldn't tell what I was feeling. This wasn't any scene he  pulled up every now and then, this was an untold part of the story I never got the chance to read.
"I think I will let you fix your stuffs" he said softly avoiding eye contact
"Thanks" I said almost in a whisper
"I'll just leave" he said tugging his fingers in his hair which made me think of John for a moment
"It's raining" I said
"Not that much" came his reply
The feeling I got as I watched him leave wasn't explainable. I moved my hand towards my chest as if trying to regulate my heartbeat to normal. I sat on the lone chair in my room trying to assimilate what just happened.

I was lost in thoughts when I heard footsteps getting closer, I raised my head being aware there was a 2nd party in the room.
"Jack" I said in between my breathe
we stared at each other in an odd way for seconds saying nothing. He moved closer as water droplets dripped from his hair, he was was soaked. I could feel his wet hands at the back of my head neck. I closed my eyes frozen by his closeness. I wanted to runaway but, my feet seemed heavy, I felt as if they were stocked to the ground. He pulled me closer leaving no space for common sense to come in. I could feel the beating of his heart against my chest, his forehead on mine, his smell flooding my senses. In what seemed like split seconds I couldn't think straight
"Lisa" he whispered my name stressing on each of the letters, my heart fluttered at the sound of his voice. My name never sounded better. I hesitantly looked up at him, this weren't the blue eyes I had grown to admire but, before I could realize myself, he slowly kissed my neck making warmth to radiate from the spot where his lips touched. Immediately, fear got the best of me as my body got rigid leaving me breathless. Each kiss on my neck came with its own flicker of warmth, one of his cold hands rubbing my arm and the other in my hair. He stopped and we stared awkwardly into each others eyes. Not knowing when it happened his lips locked into mine. The connection sent a strong feeling of warmth through my system. My eyes closed and slowly my tensed nerves relaxed.
"John" the words left my lips unconsciously making Jack break off from the kiss. I didn't realize how and when I called the name. Before I could stop the letters from leaving my mouth it was too late.
"J.a..ck I don't know what got over me please" I said trying to defend myself
"Shhh.." he stopped me and pulled away. I turned towards the door as he tried moving towards that direction immediately, I noticed John standing by the door. My eyes dropped down as tears rolled down my cheeks.
Silence stole the room as Jack walked out.
It never rains but, pours.

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