Chapter One

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It's the middle of May and even though summer is just lurking around the corner, it's still not warm enough to venture through the busy streets and towering buildings of New York without a jacket. So, she yanks up her zipper about halfway and shoves her hands into her pockets as she braves the world.

It's the only decent looking jacket she owns and she always wears it with pride because she knows her mother spent a few too many pretty pennies. She can still hear her own sixteen-year-old voice whining for the coolest red leather jacket she had ever laid eyes on. Mary Margret sighed heavily that day, regret, embarrassment written all over her face in her own deep blush, because how the hell could she ever scrounge up enough money for the fake jacket she knows will never keep her daughter warm? Somehow, that wonderful woman saved every penny, (Emma's sure her mother went coin diving in a wishing well) but still surprised Emma Christmas morning with the one item she would never again leave home without.

Emma's only friend, Ruby Lucas, had called her this morning unexpectedly, pleading for her friend, who she hasn't seen in a solid five years, to come meet her at some bar just up the road. She doesn't even remember the last time she spoke with her estranged friend, but the urgency and hype in Ruby's voice was enough to make her change out of sweats and greet the sun.

When Emma had just turned one, Mary Margret was struggling to balance work, attend school and raise a baby. One afternoon while her mother tried to finish her homework in the local diner with a screaming one-year-old, a kind, elderly woman took pity on them and invited mother and daughter into her home. It was a tiny apartment that had no business accompanying one adult, one teenager and two babies, but Granny didn't mind. Come to think of it, Emma has really only ever known the lady as Granny, she doesn't even know the woman's real name.

Anyways, Ruby's mother was a wild child and took off, leaving her infant behind for Granny to raise. Emma's convinced Granny only invited Mary Margret to stay, so she could feel like her daughter, Anita, was still around. So, Mary Margret and Emma lived with Granny and Ruby until Mary Margret graduated from high school, but they remained close friends throughout the years. Granny and Ruby are the only family Emma's ever known outside of her mother.

It's a Saturday, around noon, so when Emma yanks open the heavy bar door, it's not a shocker that the place is almost dead. Her curious green eyes scan over the decor, noting how much classier it is compared to the place she's been slumming it in occasionally on the weekends.

"Ah! There she is!" Ruby shrieks like a puppy starving for attention, leaping from a booth hidden in the back. Her incredibly long legs cut through the distance in a matter of seconds, tugging Emma flush against her body with enough force to steal her breath away. "I missed my kid sister!"

Emma hesitates for a moment and it's not that she doesn't love this girl, but damn, it's been a good five years and she just needs a moment before they are squealing like teenagers locked in Ruby's bedroom once again. But Ruby hastily gathers up her hands and forces Emma to hug her back.

Emma finally chuckles and relaxes against her familiar friend that always wears far too much of everything, but clothes. Far too much makeup. Far too much perfume. Far too many vibrant red extensions. Never enough material for her shirts and skirts.

"So, little birdie on the street told me you were looking to start a career" Ruby interrogates without a moment for Emma to catch her bearings, leading her back into the booth she had claimed earlier.

"Damn my mother and her big mouth," she grumbles as they both plop down against the cool black leather booth.

Ruby's mouth quirks into a flash of annoyance, because at least Emma has a mother, right? Yet, the brunette waves off her friend and quickly swallows her thoughts. "She's just trying to help." She quickly holds up two fingers toward the bartender and somehow he knows exactly what she needs, nodding curtly back at her. "So," there's a glint of mischief twinkling in Ruby's green eyes as she leans across the table, neatly folding her hands before her and Emma knows that is something that always got them into trouble when they were younger. "You're finally in luck, I know of a steady gig that pays a hefty amount."

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