Chapter Nineteen

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"Thank you, Chicago!" Regina bellows as fireworks whistle into the air and explode over Solider Field, illuminating the sky in various shades of reds and blues.

Emma's head tilts back, a giddy grin stretching into her cheeks as she watches the beautiful display of colors decorate the sky and pound with her beating heart. Regina purposely brushes passed her, distracting her from the show, their shoulders lightly connecting as she strides right up to Robin and sweetly pecks his lips. He wraps his arms tightly around her waist and lifts her effortlessly into the air while they both laugh.

"I need to use the restroom," Regina announces as her fake boyfriend sets her down.

"Regina, we don't have time," Jefferson grumbles, already checking his watch and tapping it as proof. "We need you back in the dressing room and on that tour bus if we are ever going to make it to Nashville."

"Well, too bad," Regina coldly fires back, because they have still yet to reconcile after their explosion two nights prior.

Regina untangles herself from Robin's clutches while Cora and Jefferson exchange death glares and Emma pretends she's invisible.

"Go Jefferson," Cora growls, her beady eyes searing right through Jefferson's gaze and forcing him to oblige.

"Does she really need an escort?" Emma naively questions, just before Jefferson latches onto her elbow and drags her along.

"Come on, Swan. You're coming with me," he grunts through his jaw, that she is convinced he has yet to release since the fight that severed his relationship with his cousin.

"Alright," she stammers, her feet scuffing against the floor to keep up with his long strides.

"I don't need a babysitter," Regina maliciously gripes over her shoulder.

"Your mother insisted," he seethes while Emma blinks rapidly in bewilderment and tries to wrap her head around the current baffling situation. Regina presses her fingertips against the bathroom door and peeks over her shoulder, prompting Jefferson to shove Emma forward, taking her by utter surprise. "Watch her," he orders and folds his arms across his chest, narrowing his sharp baby blues her way.

"Watch her?" Emma dumbly mumbles as Regina disappears behind the door and into a stall. Emma just gapes at Jefferson, squinting back at him while shaking her head. "I don't need to listen to the woman pee."

"Just go, you idiot."

He quickly shoves her inside the tiny bathroom and leans his back against the door, instantly becoming the guard dog for the rundown bathroom.

Emma groans to herself while hiking up her leg and planting her foot against an old, red brick wall. She rests her back and gently allows her head to fall back just to stare blankly at a ceiling that's stained with brown water spots. She listens to Regina finishing up, unlocking the stall, and strutting out, full of confidence.

She doesn't bother glancing in Emma's direction, but this doesn't irritate her like it once did, because she knows this is their song and dance now. This is how Regina gets arise out of her and this is the kind of behavior that strikes the match to their connection and lights the burning passion between them. So, Regina carefully washes her hands while Emma ignores her as well.

Regina places her hands beneath the air drier, that is obviously broken by the obnoxious noise assaulting Emma's ears. In a blink of an eye, Regina's warm body is pressing against Emma's and she's stealing those dainty lips all for her own. Her slender fingers glide possessively up Emma's soft cheeks, urging her forward, so she can quite literally take her breath away.

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