Chapter Fifty-Six

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"Hi," Regina breathes while Dr. Hopper is beaming back at her just as brightly.

"Hello, Regina, Emma," he politely greets the two women before turning his attention to the little boy clinging to Regina for protection from the stranger. "And you must be Henry?"

"Yes," he shyly admits, pressing his cheek against Regina's in an attempt to cower away.

"Henry, this is my friend, Archie," Emma sweetly introduces the two, but her son buries his face into Regina's neck and hides away.

"Well, it's very nice to finally meet you, Henry. Your mom has told me so much about you," he kindly says as Regina steps back and motions for the psychiatrist to step inside.

"Uh...Regina..." Emma stammers as her eyes immediately fall down toward the furry friend waltzing inside and instantly nudging at Regina for attention.

"Surprise," Regina nervously chuckles, "I adopted Lola." She slowly bends down, provoking Henry to cling even harder to her neck.

"Mommy?" He anxiously whispers, slamming his face against Regina's shoulder with brutal force.

"He's never really been around dogs before," the blonde meekly informs everyone as she gently scoops her son from Regina's embrace.

"I-I am so sorry, I-I didn't know," Regina stutters, utterly embarrassed that she didn't know this important detail.

"Oh no, no, it's fine," Emma quickly interjects and waves off the problem. Carefully she bends down to Regina's kneeling position while methodically rubbing circles against her son's back to ease his apprehension.

"Sit, Lola," Archie commands and smiles proudly when she obeys without a moment of hesitation.

"Look, Henry," Emma coos, continuing to soothe his fears with her loving touch against his back. "This is Lola, she's very sweet, but she's old, so we have to be gentle with her. Do you think you can say hi?" She softly whispers, encouraging Henry to peek his little head out to find Regina already softly petting the dog.

"Henry, Lola needs a home, so I decided to adopt her. She's going to come live at my house, so I can take care of her. I promise she's very gentle," Regina adds on, running her fingertips behind the dog's ears and scratching lightly.

"Want mommy to pet her with you?" Emma kindly offers, taking his little hand into hers. He stiffens right away, but he allows his mother to guide his way through those silky chocolate locks.

"He's soft," Henry whispers timidly as Emma continues to stroke Lola gently using Henry's hand.

"She," Emma and Regina correct in unison, encouraging Henry to repeat them.

"Lola's a special friend," Emma continues softly to help persuade her son's mind about the strange creature. "Whenever you're sad, she will be there to cheer you up and make you smile," she explains, playfully tickling his sides to produce that sweet baby giggle she loves so much.

"Mommy, stop," he pleads between heavy gasps which has Regina grinning like a lunatic from the angelic sound filling her home.

"Okay, okay. So, do you want to try petting Lola on your own?" Emma hopefully questions, but Henry reverts back into her arms and shakes his little head. "That's okay, maybe later, right?" He shrugs, still so unsure, so Emma takes a step back and plops him upon her hip.

"Well, I believe you know all the details regarding Lola," Archie smiles sweetly and hands over the dog's leash to Regina.

"I do, thanks again so much, Dr. Hopper," she replies with the most loving grin sliding into her cheeks.

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