Chapter Thirty-Five

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"Is Regina still asleep?" Ruby whispers as three sets of intrusive eyes land upon Emma sneaking out of Regina's tiny bedroom at the back of the tour bus.

Kathryn is glaring over her laptop and Emma senses some concern for the singer, but mostly she feels the cold hard glare that could probably strike her dead at any moment. Jefferson and Ruby are watching her carefully, full of sorrow and compassion. Emma tiptoes like a damn cartoon character through the bus before sliding beside her sister and curling up right against the woman's lanky arm.

"Yeah, she's out cold," she whispers, petrified of waking the woman who has now been asleep for seven hours.

After their long night of going at each other like a couple of teenagers experiencing phenomenal sex for the very first time, Emma spent the morning with her son, mother, and Regina. Together they said their goodbyes around noon and when Regina climbed onto the tour bus, she passed out like someone knocked her over the head with a club and left her for dead.

At first, Emma was just as exhausted from staying up all night as well, but after a three hour nap, she was wide awake, but Regina was still in a deep slumber. She spent the next few hours falling deeper and deeper down the internet's rabbit hole which she definitely regrets. She stumbled upon some pictures of herself, carrying Henry through the hotel lobby that weekend, just like she suspected. And of course, someone zoomed in on her and Henry and placed it next to the blurry picture of Henry and Regina over a year ago.

"Is this the same little boy?"

"There's no way to tell, that picture with Regina Mills is way too blurry."

"It's definitely the same little boy. Do you hear me squealing?"

"Oh my god! Regina and the makeup artist are holding the little boy exactly the same way!"

"Everyone needs to calm down, it's obviously her makeup artist's son!"

"Why would she bring her son on tour? That's so irresponsible."

"Where is this little boy's father?"

"Regina is obviously close to this boy if she was spotted last year holding him."

"Why does any of this matter? Regina is with Robin, obviously."

"I don't care what anyone says, I am just going to sit here in my little bubble and pretend that Regina, that little boy and the makeup artist are a family."

Yeah...Cora's definitely going to have her head for that last one.

Anyways, after far too much celebrity gossip and theories, Emma found herself restless and decided to sneak out and allow Regina some time to sleep alone.

"I'm glad she's still asleep, she needs it after what? Four restless nights ," Jefferson exasperates and tosses his cards between him and Ruby in defeat.

"Yes, I don't understand why she's so stressed about this next album? She has until March this time," Emma grumbles and snuggles further into Ruby's arm for some much-needed comfort.

"Honey, she just released two albums practically back to back, I'm sure she's running low on inspiration. I guarantee that's what's driving her a little mad," Jefferson defends with a careless shrug of his shoulder while his hands shuffle the cards.

"I guess so," she mutters as her eyes wander aimlessly around the bus to find Kathryn eyeing her curiously.

Yet, the other woman displays a blank expression when their eyes lock onto each other's. Emma's heart races just a tad faster and she isn't entirely sure why, but she chalks it up to her always hating the idea of all eyes on her. Kathryn's eyes slowly crawl back to her laptop without a word spoken and Emma has no problem pretending that interaction never happened.

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