Chapter Fifty-Eight

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"Shit," she murmurs as she trips over her own feet, but luckily, there's a door right there to catch her with open arms.

"Swan, where the hell have you been?" A stage manager grumbles, pushing the door wide open for Emma to tumble recklessly through.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she apologizes profusely with her shame painting her cheeks a deep crimson. "It was my kid's first day of Pre-K and traffic was a bitch," she huffs, scurrying through the door with her attention on her feet, so she doesn't trip like a drunk toddler again.

"The new doctor needs to be on set in twenty minutes."

"Okay, no problem. I can-" her words catch in her throat, her lungs instantly holding her last breath when she finds the new actress perched like a damn queen in her chair with her legs neatly folded and her attention solely focused on the script in her lap. And Emma is whirled right back to the first time she walked through that hotel room and found Regina Mills in the exact same position, expertly avoiding just as much as she is right now. Emma smirks, before she clicks her tongue and produces every goofy facial expression as she attempts to suppress her giddy grin. "No problem, I will have Dr. Zambrano ready in fifteen minutes," Emma dutifully vows and watches as the stage manager nods curtly and rushes out the door.

When Emma's gaze wanders back to Regina Mills, the woman is still ignoring her and it takes everything in Emma to play it cool. She clears her throat and receives nothing in return, so she confidently struts across the room. She places her bag in her cubby and prepares the makeup she will need this morning. The tension pulsating between them is thick, muggy, and suffocating, but both women remain cool and impassive.

Emma dutifully starts with the concealer she has always started with on Regina's face and suddenly her heart is pounding furiously from the nostalgia of it all.

"Fuck it," she mumbles and tosses the stick to the vanity without a second thought. She hastily slides her hands up Regina's cheeks just as warm eyes connect with hers and she slams her mouth against her girlfriend's for a fierce kiss. She jerks Regina's face back after a moment and searches those stunning pools of warm honey. "You got the job!"

"I got the job," Regina softly confirms, gently curling her fingers around Emma's wrists and holding her close.

Emma carefully rests her forehead against Regina's and sighs heavily. "Congratulations. I am so proud of you!"

"Thank you, thank you so much for everything," she whispers so tenderly that Emma has no choice but to kiss those velvety lips once again.

Emma slowly breaks the kiss, but she suddenly remembers her time limit from being late this morning. She clicks her tongue, shakes her head and laughs lightly.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me," she says as she gathers the foundation and jumps right back into action like she didn't miss an entire year of applying Regina's makeup.

"I wanted to surprise you," her girlfriend earnestly replies before glancing back down to her script again.

"Best surprise, I'm glad you did this," she praises as her finger gently sweeps with expertise across the sexy little indent above Regina's lip.

Just like that her heart sprouts wings and flutters right out of her chest. Not only did Regina refrain from flinching, which Emma accomplished pretty early on in their relationship, but Regina actually smiles softly in return and if one look could ever convince Emma of her love for this woman, she would be signing their marriage certificate right this very moment.

"I have one more surprise for you," Regina quietly whispers, causing Emma's fingers to still against her cheek.


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