Chapter Fifty-Five

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The days tumbled into weeks and the weeks smeared together into months and before Emma could comprehend much of anything, Regina was out of the rehabilitation center for six months and still clean and sober. They continued their couple's therapy, one hour a week while Regina and Emma still continued their own private sessions with Dr. Hopper as well. Regina still religiously attended AA meetings every day, whether it be once in the morning or once in the evening, but she only sees Dr. Hopper privately once a week.

Everything is moving along in the right direction, but now Regina has this itch to jump back into her acting career. So, with Regina's permission, she and Kathryn staged some outings for the public again, to put the celebrity back into the spotlight and to show off just how well she's doing. It's astonishing how one simple picture of Regina strolling down the street with shopping bags and a cup of coffee can really spark in show business.

"Welcome back Regina Mills!!"

"We love you and are so happy to see you look so healthy!"

"Where is this "girlfriend" she briefly mentioned months ago?"

"Look how cute she looks! She seems so much happier now!"

"I wonder if she broke Robin's heart. I feel bad for that guy."

"Keep that head up, you're looking good Regina!"

"It's sad that she can't find herself a good man. I hope one day she stops seeking attention and decides to stop living in sin with that woman."

"Oh my gay heart! I'll be more than happy to live in sin with Regina Mills!"

Regina expected negative comments, whether it was regarding her addiction, her sexuality, her relationship with Robin or the mysterious blonde. She mentally prepared herself, but truthfully none of the negativity bothered her anymore. She was sober and actually happy in life, she felt unstoppable....

Except for one situation....

"Hello," Regina answers the phone with a teasing tone curling around her voice to ensure a spark that will travel through the line and pique her girlfriend's interest.

"Well, hello!" Emma chirps enthusiastically, but there's some ruffling around in the background, distracting Regina from the playful tone. "Whatcha doing?" She sing-songs, extending the phrase for as long as her lungs can hold out.

"Waiting to hear back from Jeff. I know it's only a guest role, but it's such a huge show, I think it would be a positive step back into Hollywood."

"Oh for sure," Emma hastily agrees. "I know they will probably have their own makeup crew, but you demand that you need your personal makeup artist, okay? I need to meet Benson."

Regina laughs at her girlfriend's childish behavior and shakes out her long tresses. "Yes, dear," she mocks, producing the most adorable carefree giggle in response.

"So, I take it you're free, right?"

"Yes," Regina skeptically answers, as if she's apprehensive about allowing the simple word to float from her lips.



"Would you like to come to the movies with me and Henry?" Regina's face falls, because not once have they ever discussed or even come close to discussing slowly bringing Regina into his life again. She's frozen, a thousand different scenarios playing horrifically in her mind like some terrible slasher movie. "Regina," Emma calmly states, dragging her mind back to the now and away from her own stupid insecurities. "You won't hurt him again. You're stronger now. You are ready and more importantly, we, as a couple, are stable. It's just you and me and it's about time we start building our future."

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