Chapter Forty-Five

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"Hey!" Zelena calls out, encouraging Regina's shuffling feet to stop dead in her tracks. "We are all going to watch a movie tonight in the common room, you coming?"

Regina fiddles nervously with her fingers tucked inside of her hoodie's pocket. She offers a small smile as she shakes her head in the negative. "I'm sorry, but Archie's been on my ass to call some relatives in for a family session, so that's where I'm off to now."

"That nosy fucker," the redhead grunts, but then she's chuckling playfully at the end. "Well, if you get done early, come by. It's not like they will be showing any movies we all haven't seen before."

"Of course," Regina smiles politely as they exit the group therapy room and part ways.

There's no chance in hell that Regina could actually avoid Archie, she sees the man three times a day and tomorrow morning, the first thing he will inquire about is if she called Jefferson or Ruby yet.

So, she carries her heavy feet, with wave after wave of shivers tickling down her spine toward the private room. She nods subtly toward the guard dog who will be listening in on her phone call as she steps inside the room. She slides into another plastic chair and picks up the old phone with cords and all, that's chained to a table and slowly dials Jefferson's number.

Her knees bounce up and down beneath the table while she fidgets with the long swirling cord, neglecting the older woman watching her intently. With each passing ring, her body breaks out in another sweat, forcing her to rub her sweaty palms against her thighs.

"Hello," Jefferson finally answers warily just before it's too late and she almost doesn't even recognize his voice from how cautious he's being from the strange number.

"Jeff," she sighs, immediately sending a weight of guilt to lay heavily upon her shoulders.

She should have called sooner.

"Baby girl?" She nods as those warm tears swell in her eyes once again. "Gina?"

"Yeah, I'm here," she chokes on her words, laced with regret and far too many emotions to just pick one.

"Oh, thank god. It's so good to hear from you," he sincerely expresses in the calmest tone before he snaps bitterly, "where the hell have you been? Why haven't you called? I've been worried sick!"

"I'm so so sorry," she cries, hanging her head in shame, but also to hide her tear soaked cheeks from the intruder listening in on the private moment. "I just...I needed..." she frantically twirls the cord around her finger and sniffles away the harsh cry just pleading to be released. "I was embarrassed and ashamed and I needed time."

"I understand, but baby girl, there's not a damn thing you need to be ashamed of. We are all so fucking proud of you," he vows with so much passion that she actually chuckles softly.

"I'm sure not everybody," she mumbles under her breath, but he catches the self-doubt, because he still knows her inside and out.

"Well...Cora doesn't count as a human." She barks out a laugh again and dammit, she forgot how much she missed her best friend. She misses his laugh, his overbearing hugs, his unconditional love. "Baby girl, everyone is so happy for you. I've spoken to Guy, Ruby, Kathryn, Robin-"


"Yeah, of course. I call her every day to check up on her and squirt. She's very worried about you."

"Well, look," she hastily interrupts because she's just not ready to talk about Emma, yet. "They require friends and family sessions, you come and we discuss mistakes I've made in the past and try to make amends...I was..."

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