Chapter Thirty-Six

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The next two weeks were a giant blur to Emma, that were overpowered by interviews and concerts and mixed horribly with Regina's illness. She was sure her girlfriend was plagued with walking pneumonia, but Regina refused such an accusation and resumed pushing her frail body forward. She had no idea how the singer kept forcing herself to power through, because if that was her, she would have cocooned herself in a pile of blankets, shut out the world, and slept for an entire week straight. Yet somehow, Regina found the strength to attend every interview with a bright smile and every concert with more energy than a toddler pumped with pure sugar.

Emma's ashamed to admit that with Regina's throat so sore and tender, her songs were even more raw, sexier, and full of thick emotions with every word that drifted through the air. It was an instant turn on, but she knew she needed to keep a safe distance to maintain her health. That didn't go according to plan. For some strange reason, Emma found herself pinned in a variety of different positions that left her on the brink of passing out from the intensity of each and every orgasm. Maybe Regina was just trying to prove how not sick she was, but either way, Emma knew her girlfriend's body was thrumming with a new found sexual desire that she could never deny.

She would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy this time with Regina. Her girlfriend was sober, more focused than ever, craving sex and Emma was sucked up into this whirlwind vortex that only consisted of her and Regina. She was in love, on cloud nine and completely blindsided when the events to come slapped her hard across the face and left behind a stinging reminder.

Two weeks after Regina was feeling better and back to herself, the wind shifted and whisked away the brunette's positive attitude. They were halfway through the tour and things seemed to be slowly slipping through the cracks and causing mayhem all around. Even if Emma tried, she couldn't stop the destruction crashing hazardously all around her.

"What a show," Ruby murmurs as Regina struts off the stage, waving enthusiastically to the crowd that's chanting for one more song.

Emma smiles to herself, ducking her head low to hide just how infatuated she is with this bombshell sashaying confidently toward her. Her green eyes slide up from the long, tan legs, sculpted perfectly, to the sexy curve around her girlfriend's hips. Her stomach swirls with lust and kick starts her heart as if a defibrillator was pressed firmly against her frantic organ.

Robin jumps into action, stretching forward to place a sticky-sweet kiss to Regina's cheek, but she flinches and dodges the unwanted touch. His puckered lips immediately morph into a pitiful frown as he takes a step back to assess the singer's demeanor.

"I'm overly hot," Regina flatly reasons, hastily reaching for a bottle of water from Jefferson's clutches.

"O-okay," Robin shamefully stammers and shoves his hands into his pockets in a lame attempt to hide away his insecurities.

Yet, Regina is oblivious to his rigid posture as she trudges right passed the man and heads straight for her dressing room. Her fake boyfriend glances at Emma for guidance, but her green orbs are too busy bouncing from him, back to Regina, puzzled by her cold behavior.

"I guess I'll just wait here for you," he calls out sarcastically, but Regina ignores his attempt at communication and proceeds to march along.

"Uh...I'll talk to her," Emma stutters as every set of wide eyes backstage stares at her for...something, she just isn't sure what.

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