Chapter Twenty-Six

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Regina follows every inch of Emma's body down onto the bed, her skin needing the constant connection that makes her heart pump faster and knees grow weak. Emma slithers her long fingers into Regina's thick hair and pulls the brunette in even closer, deepening the kiss and gently sweeping her tongue against Regina's.

Emma releases a deep shuddering breath because never in her life has a kiss felt so meaningful. She smiles a mile wide and glides her free hand up her lover's back, carefully unclasping the black lace bra. Regina finishes removing the bra altogether for her, pulling away for just a moment before she's gently laying back down, relishing in the feel of Emma's bare chest firmly pressed up against her own.

Emma's heart starts pounding fiercer than she ever thought imaginable, because now they are crossing a line. There's no more uncertainty of where they land or her feelings for another woman. She can see the passion beating in Regina's eyes as she stares down upon her and Emma knows in her heart this isn't just some quick fuck. This woman is about to make love to her and all she ever thought about herself and her sexuality is being tossed out the window.

Regina juts out her jaw as she holds Emma's gaze, her index finger skimming over a sandy-blonde eyebrow, down her temple, over her cheek and tracing her strong jawline. She swallows thickly, producing a painful audible gulp and Emma absolutely detests the fact that she cannot read this woman's thoughts. She cocks her head to the side as Regina's eyes drift away, mapping out every detail that creates Emma's stunning face.


"I'm so sorry, Emma. I didn't mean to disappoint you," she confesses through her trembling voice, inspiring Emma to hold her even closer.

"I know, but you need to fix this."

Regina doesn't bother with words, she usually doesn't in moments like these. She eliminates the tiny gap between their lips and softly kisses her. Her velvety lips drag away from Emma's mouth, drifting down her pointed chin, so she can plant an assortment of featherlight kisses all along the column of her neck.

Emma squirms the slightest as a twitch awakens her senses between her thighs. The intimacy, the light touches, the powerful kisses, the pulsating ache between her legs has all been hibernating for three years now. But by the flush of heat scorching just below her flesh, her erect nipples just pleading to be touched and the slight sway to her hips, she knows that only Regina could have awakened her soul quite like this. And in this moment, she knows that she's in too deep with Regina, yet, she wouldn't drown with any other human on this planet.

She watches through hooded eyes as Regina provocatively glides down her chest, wild raven tresses tickling her heated flesh on the way and creating a path of chilly goosebumps in their wake. Plump, velvety lips place a tender kiss to a protruding nipple just pleading for attention, before Regina hungrily sucks the pink flesh into her mouth while caressing the other heavy mound gently.

Emma's body reacts instantly with a deep guttural moan that rattles in her chest while her body writhes for so much more. She threads her fingers through Regina's hair and pins the woman closer to her chest, eliciting a breathy moan from the brunette. She pants from the stimulation, but what's really driving her mad, is the sweet little sounds escaping from Regina's lips.

The brunette sucks harder, sending an electrical shock straight to Emma's bundle of nerves all while her thumb lightly skims over the other nipple, never once neglecting either breast.

"Regina," Emma breathlessly pants, scraping her nails against the woman's scalp in a silent request for more.

The singer hums to herself, swirling her tongue around the erect bud before finishing her feast with one more gentle kiss. Emma never takes her eyes off the top of Regina's head as she slowly sinks further down, peppering sweet kisses across the pale flesh scattered with random freckles and beauty marks. When she finally reaches Emma's waistband to her cotton shorts, Regina licks across the barrier, forcing Emma's eyes to slam shut in a lame attempt to calm her desperation, but it's all futile. She's been deprived intimacy for far too long and her body will punish her tonight as a reminder to never be so neglectful again.

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