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"Today, we push forward, the beginning to a brighter future for teens that have been neglected and left behind in the foster system. A safe haven and a place where they can turn to and hopefully find a family of their own. We are here to guide them toward a brighter future and offer an opportunity instead of drowning in a broken system where there is no way out, no matter how much effort is involved. I am so proud and honored to finally open this facility after three long years in the making."

The crowd applauds their approval while the press flash an obscene amount of cameras in Regina's face, along with everyone else who is standing in front of the new building. She smiles, that beautiful heartfelt smile for the public and pivots on her high stilettos, so she can cut the red ribbon and officially open Wonderland; named after Tilly.

With a small team and a lot of Emma's patience, Regina was able to create a home for teens who have been neglected in the foster system. The whole project is to keep the young adults off the streets, in hopes that one day they won't turn to drugs or alcohol. The facility was developed to resemble an apartment building equipped with one bedroom studios. The building contains a common room for the teens to hang out together and really develop relationships, a fitness center and an office for Dr. Hopper to help counsel each and every person that stays there.

Regina would be more than capable to fund the entire facility, however, there were quite a few celebrities that also pitched in to help contribute to keep the facility up and running for teens from the ages of fifteen to eighteen. Once a teen turns eighteen, they are more than welcome to stay, so long as they maintain a part time job while continuing school and paying a small rent fee of one hundred dollars a month, just to help them understand responsibility and prepare them for the real world.

"What do you think?" Regina timidly questions, her pinky finger finding comfort in Emma's as she attempts to read Tilly's expression.

"I think it's beautiful," she breathlessly whispers. "And I love the name, it's a classic," she laughs lightly and steps around the couple to continue touring the building by herself.

"I am so proud of you, really this is amazing," Emma gushes, even though she has been by Regina's side every step of the way and helped with a lot of the decisions through the journey.

"Thank you, for everything," Regina whispers, gently cupping those pale cheeks and leaning in for a sweet kiss that lingers for a moment, even if the press is snapping picture after picture of them.

After three years of being official in the spotlight, Emma has grown accustomed to the paparazzi always following them around. When they planned their wedding, they decided on a private event on an island with a few close friends and lucky for them, they were secluded enough that nothing was leaked to the public. It's been two years of marriage with a brand new home that they purchased together, leaving Mary Margret and Guy the house Emma and her mom invested in together, and four years sober for Regina.

Every year on Henry's birthday, Emma still buys a cake for Regina as well, with a number candle that signifies how many years sober she is and that cake means more to Regina than any other cake she has ever received for a birthday. She looks forward to that cake every year and it's just another thing that keeps her motivated for another year clean.

"I am so proud of you, honey," Mary Margaret praises, effectively breaking apart the two lovebirds as she usually does these days. "All of this is just so wonderful." She steps forward, tugging her daughter-in-law flush against her body, knocking the wind right out of Regina's lungs.

"Thanks, ma," Regina softly murmurs, gently wrapping her arms around the dainty woman and relishing in the motherly love washing over her.

Even though it's been three years since she has last spoken to her own mother, every day seems to hurt a lot less with Mary Margaret by her side.

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