Chapter Forty-Eight

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"Great job today everyone," Archie compliments as everyone shifts through the packets that were just handed out. "Now, these are some apology letters mixed in with letters that friends and family members have written to loved ones suffering. I really hope everyone takes the time to read some of these because we will be writing our own soon," he explains while everyone in the room stands and mindlessly nods along.

Regina gathers her packet and proceeds to follow the crowd out the door, sending a silent prayer to whomever is listening that Lee, that grumpy little asshole, didn't call her out today. She somewhat thinks he may have left her alone because of the little shadow following behind her today.

Jacinda is waltzing ahead of her with Tilly, chitchatting away in her ear, while Zelena stops and waits for Regina to catch up. Zelena smirks at the companion wagging her tail and following Regina obediently, even though Lola was supposed to be there for the entire group. The therapy dog obeyed her job description, allowing others to pet her, but she found comfort lying across Regina's feet.

"Sucker?" The redhead offers, sliding the ruby red lollipop from her mouth, provoking Regina to grimace in response.

"Sloppy seconds ain't my style," Regina retorts, eliciting a carefree laugh to tumble from her friend's lips.

"Grease, love that movie. Maybe we should watch it tonight?"

"Maybe," she shrugs noncommittally because she knows that if she agrees, this damn woman will hunt her down and drag her to the common room like a wild cavewoman, if she doesn't show up.

"Ummm, excuse me...I uh, would like to visit?"

Her heart actually comes to a screeching halt in her chest, causing her breath to hitch in the back of her throat from that one sensual voice she's been dreaming of for eight long weeks now. She barely even comprehends Lola nudging her hand, attempting to bring her wandering mind back to the now.

"Who are you trying to visit today?" Ruth inquisitively investigates with her fingers positioned perfectly on the keyboard, ready to type away, but none of that matters because without a second thought, Regina is speed-walking toward the front desk.

"I'm here to see..."

"Emma?" Regina gasps breathlessly, her mind still trying to comprehend what her eyes are claiming to see.

"Regina," Emma nervously answers, stuffing her hands into the back pockets of her jeans as her eyes drift down to the furry dog and Regina is taken back to the first week she ever met Emma Swan.

The adorable, quirky, fumbling mess with long blonde golden rays of sunshine, a dazzling smile, and those hypnotizing green eyes that shimmer with little flecks that match perfectly with her hair color. Somehow, she's more gorgeous than Regina remembers which forces her body to break out into a cold sweat. Her skin prickles, the little hairs standing to attention and reaching out to seek comfort in the one person that always makes her feel at home.

"You came."

"I guess so."

It's painfully silent and neither one has a clue how to proceed after five long months apart, but one thing is for damn sure, their eyes cannot find the ability to stop staring so bluntly. Brown eyes filled to the brim with hope, sparkle as they roam over the tacky red leather jacket that makes her heart skip a beat. Emma can absolutely afford a warmer jacket with the pay she's receiving off the new television show, but she still wears that hideous red leather with pride, which keeps her grounded and reminds her where she came from.

Regina smiles, noticing the blush flushing Emma's cheeks and it has nothing to do with the frigid temperatures outside. Her eyes travel down toward the golden locks, no longer in curls, but straightened to perfection beneath her grey beanie and her heart skips another beat.

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