Chapter Fifty-Seven

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"Henry, please," Emma whines as she scurries across the living room to sweep up the random toys her son has left behind. "I told you to pick up your toys!"

"But, mommy! They have to meet Regina!" Henry whines right back, causing Mary Margaret to smirk because of how identical mother and son sound right now.

"They can meet her when you show her your room. Come on, she'll be here any minute," Emma complains, shoving the Toy Story gang into her son's arms before she moves to fluff the pillows for the fifth time.

"Honey, why are you so nervous? It's just Regina," her mother chuckles as she pulls the honey-glazed ham out from the oven and carefully places her masterpiece on top of the stove.

"Because, this is the first time she's seeing where I live."


"So...I don't know, I want to make a good impression. You can tell a lot by a person by their home," she mumbles, still assaulting the same pillows across the couch while her mother shakes her head at the ridiculousness of it all.

"Emma, I think Regina already knows you," she teases lightly and leans against the countertop. "I know you took a break for five months, but you still have known one another for two years now. I don't think she's going anywhere."

"Aren't you nervous? Finally introducing a boyfriend to the family?" Emma barks over her shoulder as she frantically sprays Febreeze through the bathroom and living room.

"Guy has seen my house before." Her mother shrugs carelessly and spins back around to set the table.

"Real helpful, mom," she deadpans and tosses the can under the sink before slamming the cabinet shut again.

"Regina loves you, that's all that matters. You honestly think she's going to take one look at your house and say, you know what, I change my mind. I'll see myself to the door." She shakes her short inky tresses and laughs to nobody but herself. "Besides, I have always maintained a clean and inviting home, she'll love it."

"I know," Emma sighs and slumps hazardously onto a bar stool at the kitchen island. "It's just...things have been progressing a lot lately and this feels like another big step in the right direction."

Mary Margaret hums, handing over the plates to her daughter for help and encouraging Emma to snap to attention and lend a hand. "It's been three weeks now, correct?"

Olive, skeptical eyes latch onto shy sparkling emeralds in questioning. Emma slowly nods, for some reason feeling strangely nervous under her mother's gaze. "Yeah, she's been around Henry for the past three weeks now. Shit, do you think it's been too much?" She meekly questions, appearing awfully bashful in the moment.

"Do you think it's been too much lately?"

"Honestly?" Her mother nods firmly, patiently waiting for Emma's opinion on the subject. "No, not really."

"Well, then that's all that matters. Whatever feels comfortable for you, personally, is the right decision. There's no set time limit on these situations," she kindly advises as they move together around the dining room table to set it properly.

"I know we are in that honeymoon stage right now, you know? Where everything is perfect and warm and tingly...I just feel like I'm holding my breath, waiting for a bomb to go off and send Regina's sobriety to crash and burn."

Mary Margaret's concerned eyes flick to Emma's in a heartbeat and she sighs heavily understanding that feeling all too well from her past relationship with her father.

"I understand, but you said yourself, Regina's still religiously working the program. She's doing so well, Emma. And honestly, that small cameo she appeared in was absolutely fantastic."

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