Chapter Three

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"What the-" the rest of her sentence vanishes in the small space between her lips and the glass window before her.

Those big green eyes are tripling in size, capturing the private jet and the elaborate staircase just waiting for the guests to arrive. She attempts to swallow down all her anxiety about this scene unfolding before her, but there's not a drop of saliva to be found in her mouth.

"Thanks, Guy!" Ruby shouts as she scrambles to exit the stretch limo that was very unnecessary for just the two of them.

"Rubes, what the hell is this?"

The lanky woman abruptly stops, half hanging out of the car while she cranes her neck to offer Emma her undivided attention.

"This is an airport," she deadpans, not a flicker of amusement gracing her face.

"Yes, I can see that," Emma exasperates, her eyes roll in annoyance as she smacks her friend's bicep. "I mean that," she shrieks, squeezing passed Ruby's dramatically long limbs, so she can gesture toward the massive jet.

Ruby's dark brows pinch together, scanning Emma's face for something the blonde is unsure of. "You didn't think Regina was going to stroll casually through an airport and board a regular plane, did you?" And her tone is not at all playful, per her usual self, no, this time there's a hint of judgement, as though Emma is finally having a blonde moment.

"No, but us...well I assumed, we would be boarding a regular plane," Emma defends, motioning frantically between them.

"No, we are Regina's crew, we go where she goes," she nonchalantly replies, pushing herself through the open door and standing tall, breathing in the dewy morning air.

Emma follows her lead, hitching her bag higher upon her shoulder while the driver steps around back to retrieve their luggage from the trunk. Of course, Ruby packed her entire life, while Emma hardly had enough clothes to fill one duffel bag.

She scurries around the limo to help the man, who is already raising one sandy-blonde eyebrow at her skeptically. "I can take my bag," she kindly offers, lifting it easily onto her other shoulder.

"Miss Swan, please, this is my job after all. I can assure you, your bag will be gently placed below with the rest of the luggage," he politely replies, yet in a robotic tone as if this is the only statement he is ever allowed to mutter around other humans.

"Oh I know, I'm just not used to people serving me. I can help," she says again, but this time with her adorable little smile that usually melts every person around her into abiding her every request.

"Thanks, Guy!" Ruby shouts over her shoulder with a grin that threatens to split her face right in half before she rushes over to Jefferson.

"Rubes, call the man by his name!" Emma bellows, thoroughly embarrassed by her friend's rudeness.

"That is his name, Swan!"

Emma blinks, slowly twisting her neck to meet the older gentleman's kind, steel blue, eyes. "Guy Davidson, Miss Swan. It's a pleasure to meet you," and his tone actually softens as he politely offers his hand.

Emma smiles, admiring his charismatic grin that secretly informs her that he is a father. He has that sweet, kind and gentle ora about him, in spite of his strong jawline and it rattles her heart for a brief second.

"Nice to meet you, Guy. Will you be joining us? Are you going to pop up in Paris to drive us around?" She teases, shifting around to distribute the weight from her duffel bag and carry-on.

"I will, along with Miss Mills' other driver, Sydney Glass."

"So, how long have you been her driver?" Emma casually questions, just to fill the void of silence between two strangers.

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