Chapter Fifty-One

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"Emma. You came?"

"When are you going to start believing me? I'll always be here for you," Emma winks, motivating Regina to lunge forward and wrap her arms securely around the playful blonde that has stolen her heart and filled in every broken piece with love.

She understands that Emma needed to vanish from her life if she was ever going to find the strength in seeking help on her own. Honestly, if Emma would have kept brushing off the drunken nights and feuds fueled by prescription pills, then Regina would still be drowning and slowly fading from existence. She's so unbelievably thankful that Emma found her own inner warrior to finally cut ties and allow them both the time and space they needed to grow.

"I'm so glad you're here," she breathes out heavily and it's like the entire weight of the world has been lifted off her shoulders, allowing her the strength to raise her head and look forward toward a brighter future.

Reluctantly, because god, Emma smells so enticing with that summery coconut aroma wafting from her soft curls, Regina slowly pulls away from the embrace. She's all too aware that they need to take things slow if they are ever going to come out of this alive. She settles back down in her seat and smiles at the goofy grin possessing Emma's entire face and it's so heavenly to see the peace in those stunning eyes instead of pain and disappointment.

"So, are you leaving for L.A right away?" Emma inquires, hiking her knee onto the back seat, so she can pivot and offer her full attention.

"Actually, I've been speaking to Jefferson and he's been searching for a rental home in the area. He found one and I'm going to stay there, so I can continue my sessions with Archie as soon as tomorrow. I don't want to miss a single day until I feel comfortable."

"Oh, of course. That's great news actually. I really like him, Regina. He's so much better than creepy Facilier. I trust Hopper, you know?"

"I know exactly what you mean." Regina exhales like she's been waiting her whole life for someone to finally set her free from that man who did nothing but enable her over the years. "My place in L.A isn't a home, it's just a place to visit. I'm going to keep it, but I am going to look for another place as well here, like we discussed."

Out of her peripheral, she notices Emma's hand lifting to reach out for her; maybe to rest her hand on top of hers, or maybe brush a loose strand away from her face, but all too quickly those slender fingers are flexing and her hand is dropping back down to her lap. And even though Regina has to keep reminding herself that they need to just be supportive friends right now, her body is aching for Emma's comforting touch.

"I think that will be great because I do want to maintain a consistent schedule with Hopper as well." Regina nods slowly, her head rolling back to the headrest as she shamelessly memorizes every detail of Emma's face. It's been so long. "So, what is your plan for the day?"

"Well, the first thing I need to do is have a conversation with my mother," Regina exasperates, forcing her eyes closed to breathe through the moment because she knows this is going to be one of the hardest things she's ever going to have to do.

"Do you want me to come with you? For support?"

"Honestly, yes," she gasps in relief, because she really didn't want to have to ask Emma and put her in an uncomfortable situation, but god, she's going to need the help. "Mr. Davidson?" Regina leans forward in her seat as the man leans back into his. "Can you please drive us to my mother's house?"

"Of course, she is expecting you."

"She is?"

"Yes, Jefferson informed her that you are completing the program today," he explains, persuading Regina's body to slump back against the seat in bewilderment.

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