Chapter Twenty-One

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Emma spins around abruptly and jogs to catch up to the brunette. Jefferson and Ruby follow behind, knowing Emma cannot handle this dilemma all on her own. When they step into the hallway, they find Regina furiously swiping a card against Emma's door and violently wiggling the handle.

"Does she know not all keys work to every room?" Emma whispers as they slowly approach Regina like some stray cat dumpster diving for food.

"She thinks it's your key. I swiped it from her bedroom earlier," Ruby confesses, not even appearing remotely sorry for her petty theft.

"How...why does she have a key to my room?" Emma stammers, looking expectantly at Jefferson for a reasonable explanation.

"Oh, come on, honey," he scoffs, rolling those baby blues, "don't act like you two don't sneak into each other's beds every night."

Emma blushes profusely and immediately hangs her head in embarrassment, but no amount of unruly blonde curls can hide the deep crimson hue painting her cheeks at this point.

"Nothing happens," she defensively murmurs.

"Thank god," Jefferson cackles, "because you two are far too quiet and I was about to take you both to a sex education course and teach you a thing or two."

The amount of heat that scorches Emma's cheeks is brutally painful at this moment, Jefferson might as well have lit a burning match to her face for how hard she is blushing. Of course, Ruby and Jefferson are both giggling hysterically at Emma's expense while Regina continues to assault her door.

"Whatever, where the hell were you two? Why weren't you watching her?"

"Well, this little minx was too busy with her fangs deep in Graham's neck," Jefferson chuckles while Ruby just shoves him lightly. "And I was obviously avoiding Regina all night since she's still mad at me. I didn't notice her sneaking shots until it was too late," he shamefully admits.

She groans, stealing a step forward. "Wrong key," she sheepishly says, squeezing beside Regina just to ignore her two friends from any further teasing.

Emma swipes her key and holds the door open for Regina, but before Emma can even blink, Regina is ruthlessly yanking her through the door and shoving her down on the bed. "Wait," she pleads desperately as Regina's lips slam roughly against hers.

The sound of two bodies colliding, along with the door crashing into the wall resonates in Emma's ears and forces her to tear her lips away from Regina's to discover Jefferson and Ruby shielding their eyes. But the singer is so inebriated that Emma's voice falls dead to her ears and so she proceeds, peppering Emma's long neck with hot sensual kisses.

"Regina, your cousin is behind us," Emma whines, attempting to peel the woman's body off hers without manhandling her.

Regina freezes, bloodshot eyes crawling up to meet Emma's wide-eyed expression. The singer rolls her eyes and with a heavy sigh, clambers off her body.

"Why are you even here, Jefferson?" Regina snaps, encouraging her cousin and Ruby to both turn back around and stop hiding from the inappropriate scene moments ago.

Ruby gently closes the door behind them just as Regina marches up to Jefferson and shoves him viciously against the wall. Emma instantly leaps to her feet, ready to intervene, but he holds up his hand, stilling her body immediately.

"Why, Jefferson?" Regina shouts in his face, but he doesn't even flinch. "I thought you were done? I thought you couldn't stand to be around a drunk mess like me?" She growls in such a malicious tone that Emma and Ruby both wince, but Jefferson remains impassive. "Why?" She bellows, the hurt rattling deep in her chest as her palms slam into his broad chest again and his back pounds into the wall, rattling a few paintings hanging on the wall.

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