Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"Regina? Henry? I'm back," Emma shouts to her loved ones, kicking the door closed behind herself and groaning under her breath. "Regina? Henry?" She calls out again as she saunters into the bedroom, still trying to shake off that horrific interview.

When she steps into the suite her heart sinks so fast, her entire body flushes with a scorching heat that threatens to burn her flesh right off. What she discovers is Regina passed out in the bed that's still a mess from before Emma left for her interview and her son is nowhere to be found. Her greatest fear is now a reality, her son is missing and her body automatically flips on to fight or flight mode.

"Henry!" She bellows, frantically searching the bedroom while her fucking girlfriend doesn't move a muscle. She drops to her hands and knees wondering if her son is playing his favorite game of hide and seek, tucked away in his most secretive spot, under the bed. "Henry!"

"Swan!" Jefferson's muffled voice comes from the bathroom just as the harsh sound of the toilet flushing rings in her ears. "I'll be right out," he shouts before Emma distinctly hears him washing his hands. "Sorry, baby," he says as he swings the bathroom door open, "I couldn't hold it any longer."

"Where the hell is Henry?" She shrieks in a high pitched tone that only dogs should be able to pick up on.

"Calm down," he says, stepping forward and pulling her flush against his broad chest. "Ruby has him," but that's as far as the explanation travels before Emma jerks away from his embrace and shoves his chest out of pure rage that is only directed at her girlfriend, but since she's passed out, her cousin will have to accept the punishment.

"Why the hell does Ruby have him? And what the fuck happened to Regina!" She screams without holding back one single shred of emotions tearing through her body like a flesh eating virus, destroying everything in its path.

She could have lost her son. He could have been very badly injured. Hell, she doesn't even know if he's all in one piece or if something did happened.

"I'll explain everything, just please try and calm down-"

"Don't you dare fucking tell me to calm down," she growls, slamming her palms against his sturdy chest to alleviate some of the rage pulsating beneath her flesh. "If Ruby has Henry, why the hell didn't she shoot me a text? Hey I have your son! With a cute picture attached, so I'm not blindsided when I walk into a room to discover my child is fucking missing!" She over enunciates, like maybe he's not understanding the severity of the situation he is swarming in.

"Because we didn't want you to worry during your interview. We knew Henry was safe and that's why I'm here, to explain everything when you returned."

"I want to see my son," Emma sternly states as she whips around on her tiptoes to storm out of the hotel room, but Jefferson is quick to snatch up her elbow.

"You will. I swear he's perfectly fine. Can I just explain what happened?" He timidly inquires while Emma wretches her elbow from his clutches because her body is still pounding with pure rage.

"I honestly don't even know if I want to hear it. What the hell kind of excuse-"

"I-I don't know what her excuse will be...she hasn't truly woken up since I've been here," he sadly divulges, his baby blues sliding over to where his cousin is softly snoring, in a deep slumber that's so far from this universe that she's unknowingly wreaking havoc upon.

"What do you mean she hasn't woken up?" Emma seethes through a clenched jaw, her feet stomping bitterly toward the sleeping beauty snuggling into a mess of blankets.

She's utterly torn in this moment, does she show compassion for her girlfriend who might be slipping from existence from whatever she thought was okay to drink while taking care of her son or does she rip her limb from limb for child endangerment and neglect?

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