Chapter Thirty

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From what Emma overheard, Ruby and Jefferson bar hopped all night long as a last hooray before the dry tour they knew they would have to endure to help maintain Regina's sobriety. That's why it's not a surprise to her right now that both of her friends have been passed out for a solid hour while she twiddles her fucking thumbs, still as hyper anxious and edgy as a hooker finding out she's pregnant.

Finally, she leaps from her seat and scoots passed Ruby's never-ending legs and Jefferson's lap to scramble into the bathroom. She escapes inside undetected, not bothering a single soul on the private jet and closes the door softly behind her. She takes a few, deep calming breaths because she cannot stand this twitchy feeling pulsating through her flesh.

She turns on the faucet, running ice cold water to splash across her face and hopefully relax her insides. When she moves to dry her face she is shell-shocked to find Regina slipping into the crammed space as well.


Her words, or lack there of, are immediately cut off by Regina's plump lips brushing tenderly against hers and sucking every last drop of oxygen from her lungs.

"God, I missed you," Regina murmurs incoherently into the soft kiss, completely taking Emma by surprise because usually when this woman sneak attacks her, it's with bruising, forceful kisses full of declaration and claim.

Emma sighs the biggest fucking exhale of relief and glides her fingers gently up Regina's face. She tilts her girlfriend's head back slowly and dips her tongue inside without any restrictions because Regina is just as eager. Her thumbs caress the silky flesh below as she becomes reacquainted with one talented tongue she has been so cruelly withheld from.

"I've missed you so much," Emma confesses into the kiss, refusing to allow this woman to ever slip away again.

"I need to slip back out before my mother has a conniption fit," Regina whispers as her fingers sneakily slide beneath Emma's shirt and travel teasingly up her back.

"What? No, why?" She whines and tugs the immaculate Regina Mills in her ivory power suit and five fucking inch heels, flush against her body. "Stay."

"Emma, I can't. You know my mother," the singer forcefully states even though her greedy little fingers are soaking up the soft flesh just below Emma's bra.

She groans, her eyes falling closed to hide her disappointment as she connects their foreheads. "Can I sneak by tonight?"

"You better if you know what's good for you, Miss Swan," and the teasing in Regina's voice is exactly that ray of sunshine that beams down on Emma and immediately brightens her stormy mood.

And with that, Regina sneaks out of the confined bathroom and Emma has no problem bouncing back to her seat with a hopeful promise of a better road ahead.


"She looks good," Ruby muses with her arms folded smugly across her chest as she peers out on stage where Regina and Outlaw are preforming a duet for sound check before the concert.

"She does," Emma wholeheartedly agrees, her eyes never once leaving the mesmerizing view of Regina in all her glory on stage.

"I think you and your little offspring have made an impact."


"I'm happy for you, Ems." The tender tone behind Ruby's words grasp her full attention and forces her eyes away from Regina. "I'm so happy Regina found you two, because we all know how much you've changed her, but more importantly, I've gotta say, I'm so happy you found her. You needed her just as much as she needed you. I'm so happy to see that wild impish grin from when you were a kid, again."

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