Chapter Two

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She's out of her element. She's so far out of her element, that she feels like some trained monkey that everyone has paid big bucks to see perform, yet all this animal is doing is dry humping it's trainer's leg. And there's nothing more uncomfortable than an animal making direct eye contact when they are going to town on that leg. That's exactly how unbearable this moment is for Emma as Regina's mother scrutinizes her from head to toe, very visibly loathing everything that is Emma.

Emma burst through the doors at exactly five o'clock and was informed that she was late. She hurried to Ruby's side, mumbling her apologies even though she was on time, while her friend just smirked, fully amused by the disheveled blonde. It's now five minutes later and Emma is informed that she is to work her magic while Ruby straightens Regina's hair to perfection.

"Her?" Regina's mother, Cora, spits in distaste while three people frantically move all around her to transform the older woman into a more approachable manager, because that permanent scowl doesn't express her ability to cooperate during an interview.

Emma ignores the spiteful inflection that's directed toward her and very carefully skims her finger over the indent embedded into Regina's delicate lip, remembering how she flinched the day before. The brunette stiffens yet again, but this time she recovers a lot faster as she glares at her mother through the mirror.

"I trust Ruby," is all that Regina says and even though it's stated with conviction, there's still an icy tone that sends shivers down Emma's spine.

Emma doesn't murmur a single sound as she focuses on the foundation seeping into Regina's flesh and hoping she can make this new red mark that appeared overnight disappear. She suddenly panics, her finger pressing into Regina's chin as she freezes-shit, did she wash her hands with Dove?

Regina's eyes dilate as she focuses on Emma's face that is quickly draining from all color. Regina narrows her eyes, silently requesting what the hold up is, but apparently doesn't want to vocalize her concern in front of her mother. Emma notices right away, so she quickly plasters on an awkward smile and screams internally at her hand to begin working again. Thankfully, it does.

"I didn't ask if we can trust Ruby, now did I?" Cora so cruelly inquires, causing Emma to flinch in response, however Regina, nor Ruby, or anyone else in the damn room for that matter, notices the woman's harsh tone. "Miss Swan, I trust you signed the non-disclosure agreement already?"

"I did, Miss Mills," spews out of Emma's lips as if her mouth is working on reflex.

"And you do understand, the moment you paint my daughter a fool I will not only fire you, but I will also guarantee you will never work in this industry again."

It's not even a question of if, Emma screws up, no, it's a damn declaration to the day that she will indefinitely fuck up once again. Despite every instinct that is screaming in Emma's head to run as far and as fast away from these melodramatic people as possible, she swallows down her fears and nods, for her family's sake.

"I get it," she mutters, tilting Regina's chin up a little higher without any thought not to touch the woman in such a manner, so she can make sure the color is even.

Ruby's thin stiletto presses down against Emma's flats, that are actually Ruby's anyways, but never mind that, because the pain is searing and snaps Emma's head up to glare at her friend. Ruby furrows her brows and shakes her head subtly, but Emma hasn't a clue as to why. Her eyebrows pinch together in confusion as she shrugs her shoulder and thankfully Regina's eyes are closed and miss the exchange entirely. Emma rolls her eyes, because she doesn't know what Ruby is silently warning her about and she just really wishes her friend had enough common sense to warn her before these meetings.

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