Chapter Eighteen

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"Miss Swan needs to reapply my makeup," Regina politely dismisses her entourage while Emma busies herself with the required items and not at all stressing over the new doting couple. "I should only be twenty minutes."

Emma's quizzical gaze shifts to the corner of her eye just in time to catch the display of affection between Regina and Robin, immediately painting a scowl upon her face. Her stomach backflips, creating an involuntary groan to rattle deep within her chest and encouraging her eyes to wander elsewhere. Anywhere else. She cannot stomach the image of Regina's perfect lips pressing so firmly into the sandy-blonde stubble upon Robin's cheek.

"Baby girl, we need to bring-" Jefferson starts to explain the crew's need to carry their items to the limo, but Regina is firmly interrupting his claim.

"We won't be long," is all Regina coldly retorts before there's a harsh slam to her dressing room door and if Emma isn't mistaken a soft click of a lock.

Yet, Emma doesn't bother glancing over her shoulder to question Regina's motives, instead, she lays out the warm washcloths and makeup removing wipes dutifully. Still, ignoring the acidic liquid burning her throat and the nausea spinning viciously around in her gut.

All too quickly, there's a tight, commanding hand on her wrist and everything happens in such a rush that she doesn't have a second to react. Regina curls her fingers like a snake coiling dangerously around its prey and she drags Emma away from the vanity and tosses her into a pitched-black closet. She gently closes the door, careful not to make a sound and when Emma opens her mouth to question, what the hell is going on, Regina shuts her up with a kiss so fierce, she shreds all those little words to pieces.

Regina's warm body molds perfectly against Emma's, forcing her to tumble back until she's colliding against the wall. She's utterly confused, blindsided and discombobulated by the rapid force, but her body somehow reacts without her brain. She slides her fingers up Regina's delicate cheeks, until her fingers are treading through thick damp locks and tugging the singer in closer, inspiring both women to moan into the searing kiss.

Regina quickly parts her lips, guiding Emma's apart in the process and easily slips her tongue in with expertise. The velvety muscle doesn't waste a single second to become reacquainted with Emma's mouth and there's just something about the kiss that's all too new and yet, familiar at the same time. Another moan escapes Emma and tumbles into Regina's mouth, encouraging the brunette to grip Emma's sharp hip bones with need and hold her into place like she's terrified the blonde may vanish right through her fingertips.

Emma's temperature is rising, burning and boiling up to the surface as her heart beats vigorously with an added weight. She can't think. She can't speak. All she knows is she has to keep kissing Regina with every ounce of passion harbored deep within. She cannot lose this moment and she feels this urgency, this desperation to prove to Regina that she's worth it. She's worth the celebrity's time and devotion.

"I don't want him," Regina incoherently murmurs against Emma's desperate lips, her nails digging deeper into Emma's hips in a silent declaration of what she really wants.

Something pounds viciously under Emma's skin, maybe it's the jealousy, maybe it's utter confusion, but she yanks Regina's face closer and dominates the frantic kiss, claiming Regina for the one second that she finally has the opportunity to.

"You need to do my makeup," Regina whispers, before she dives right back in, slamming her lips brutally against Emma's like she needs to see them bruised. "I need to go outside and kiss Robin in front of the crowd," she confesses, provoking Emma to jerk her head backward and finally end the urgent kiss.

"What? What the hell are you talking about?" She whisper-shouts, her eyes searching deep inside of Regina's, but it's too damn dark to read her expression.

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