Chapter Twenty-Two

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Emma had an early flight back to New York with Ruby and spent most of her morning regretting booking such an early flight. She had woken up with Regina curled into her side, a warm breath coating her bicep and she swears she fell even harder for the woman in those five minutes of peace. She timidly kissed the woman awake, memorizing the sultry moan stirring in Regina's chest as her mind recognized the familiar touch and she began to kiss her back. Emma spent the next several minutes kissing Regina deeper than she ever had before and hated herself when she had to leave to catch her flight.

A week has gone by since they said their goodbyes and as much as Emma is so thankful to be home again with her family, she cannot ignore the hollow sensation carved into her chest. Even though, the two women share an interest in sending constant flirty texts all day, it's still not enough for Emma and she hates herself for wanting so much more. She has just spent three months with this incredible woman by her side every day and now her body is struggling through withdrawals without the sassy queen.

She's missing Regina so much that she even went against all her beliefs and created a few social media pages, so she could keep up with celebrity gossip. Two days after, she wasn't entirely sure if that was the worst idea she ever had or the greatest. She truly enjoys all the information and pictures people post, but right after, her heart sinks, and her stomach twists, and she regrets ever sneaking a peek, because she inevitably misses Regina more.

Okay, so she's got it bad. She's head over heels and falling incredibly fast for the diva, something she swore she would never do again.

"Gina!" Henry squeals as his chubby little index finger taps on her phone, producing the biggest smile across Emma's face.

"Yeah, kiddo, it's Gina," Emma confirms, leaning in to kiss her son's forehead before she closes out of the app and opens her texts with the singer.

"Do you always dress that nice getting ice cream?"

Immediately the tiny little bubbles pop to life, signaling Regina's response that Emma knows will be witty as always.

"Do you always spy on celebrities practicing the art of mediocre life?"

"Do you always forget the top four buttons on your blouse? Your mother is going to lose her mind when she sees your bra peeking through like that."

"I'm sensing some jealousy..."

"Your bras are for my eyes only."

"Well, come visit and I'll give your greedy eyes all the peep shows you desire..."

Emma groans, bitterly tossing her phone back onto the table and folding her arms across her chest like a small child just placed in timeout. She would give anything to spend an evening with Regina, but she's in L.A. at the moment and Emma's in New York, as far away on the map as humanly possible.

"Why you sad, mommy?" Henry innocently questions with his bottom lip puckering to express his vulnerable compassion.

"I'm okay, bud." She ruffles his hair playfully and offers the best smile she can muster up while her heart is yearning hopelessly.

Henry crawls out of his chair and into her lap, securely locking his little arms around her neck and squeezing her tight. "Heart you, mommy."

"I heart you too, bud," she breathes out and holds him extra close this evening to ward off the feelings she swore she would never allow in her heart again.

The clatter from her mother's key jiggling in the lock just outside the front door, erases the moment of weakness drilling into Emma's heart.

"Gan-ma!" Henry squeals, slapping his palms on both sides of his mother's face and smooshing her cheeks together, provoking a laugh to tumble from her mouth.

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