Chapter Fifty

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After Emma's first visit to the clinic, she found herself wandering back into that damn place once a week to clear the air with Regina and to also learn more about addiction through Dr. Hopper. She didn't necessarily think of her time spent with the psychiatrist as sessions, per say, but then again she did find herself expressing her feelings and Archie helping her cope through them.

Okay, so maybe those sessions were considered therapy, but she didn't have time to dwell on the concept. She was busy with work, taking care of Henry, continuing family sessions with Regina and her one-on-one sessions as well. Before she knew it, she blinked and three weeks had gone by, skipping right over the holidays again without Regina, which meant one thing.

"So, let's discuss future goals that can easily be set into place and achieved while out of the facility," Archie suggests with a proud smile set into place while his eyes wander between the two women staring back at him on the couch.

"Well," Regina's eyes crawl toward Emma's tense body, just buzzing with nervous energy, but she never turns her head completely to gauge the blonde's reaction. "I think the first thing I should do is find a group I feel comfortable with along with a sponsor."

"Perfect." Archie hastily writes something down before peering over the rim of his glasses. "You have the list of places I suggested that will be discreet with your fame, correct?"

"Yes, of course," she breathes out while Emma nervously bounces her feet up and down, and if someone walked in this room, at this very moment, they would assume Emma is the junkie between the two.


"Huh?" She blinks, all wide-eyed and frazzled as she meets Archie's worrisome gaze, inspiring her to finally rip her nail from her nervous biting teeth.

"Is there something you would like to discuss before the end of the session?" He gently asks, knowing damn well that if this woman doesn't spew what's nagging at her chest, she will instantly explode.

"" she shifts uncomfortably upon the leather, producing that cringeworthy sound while she tries to gather up her words and place them correctly into a sentence. "I just, well, even though I've been visiting for three weeks now, that's only three times that I've seen Regina, which technically, is only three hours..." she trails off hoping someone will just finish her sentence for her, but instead, Archie cocks his head to the side and she can just feel Regina turning to offer her full attention. She rolls her eyes and groans. "I don't know where we stand and more importantly, I don't know how to move forward without the clinic."

"Ah, excellent concern. Most people feel the same apprehension about surviving in the world without the routine and stability, but I have no problem scheduling couple's therapy sessions with you two. I'm here at the clinic from eleven to five and my office from eight in the morning until I come here. I would be more than happy to fit you two into my schedule."

Emma visibly relaxes and nods along as she breathes out her sigh of relief. "I would like that."

"Now, as for you two only spending three hours together, I suggest sitting down alone and discussing your intentions and goals for the future. I do stress though, it's not ideal for Regina to jump back into a relationship while acclimating herself to the outside world again."

"No, of course not," Regina instantly jumps in to wholeheartedly agree. "I understand the importance of focusing on me during this crucial time."

Archie smiles, supportive, proud, and encouraging as he sets down his pen and offers his undivided attention. "You two have been working very hard together, let's just make sure we keep up the pace."

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