Chapter Thirty-Two

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The arena is glowing a warm midnight blue as a spotlight beams from center stage and lands upon Regina, illuminating her natural beauty. She is perched on a wooden stool, an acoustic guitar resting in her lap as she readjusts the microphone to meet her level. She smiles out toward the crowd that's completely silent, just waiting for this astonishing woman to create the magic before their very eyes.

"This is a new song off my latest album, Just A Glimpse." The entire crowd roars their approval, eliciting the sweetest laugh to spill from Regina's scarlet painted lips. "Well, thank you," she blushes and slowly strums the softest note against the thick chords.

She has never sat down on stage, raw and vulnerable before her audience. A typical Regina Mills performance consists of flashing lights and upbeat music that encourages lazy feet to dance accordingly. There's always a major show that screams extraordinary and is unlike any other, so for Regina to simply sit in the middle of the stage, takes everyone by surprise, including her girlfriend.

"This song is very near and dear to my heart. I wrote it when I was feeling a little overwhelmed," Regina vulnerably announces, mindlessly strumming her guitar as a distraction. "And looking for inspiration. And then it came to me, took me by surprise actually," she smiles wildly and glances out at her audience, "so please be kind."

The entire crowd applauds their support and motivation for the singer to continue and Emma knows in that moment, no matter what Regina does, these fans will stick by her side. They aren't going anywhere. They are as loyal as ever and if Regina ever decides to announce who she truly is, Emma knows in her heart that each one would stand by her side.

"I never understood the meaning of life," Regina softly sings, her voice overwhelming with raw passion, "or why I was set into this world." Her fingers gently pluck each chord as she travels down the guitar while a broad smile stretches into her cheeks. "Until the day I looked into his youthful eyes, and I saw my future flash without disguise," her voice cracks on the intensity as she softly sings, "and now he's my whole world."

Emma places her hand over her chest because she feels each one of those words seeping into her heart and warming her very soul. And there's only one image that comes to her mind; with his little freckled nose, mischievous green eyes, and crooked grin.

Her son.

Yet, this entire audience is captivated by Regina's performance, everyone fawning over the love Regina Mills has for Robin, but it's not what Emma sees. She knows in the depths of her soul that this masterpiece is written for one guy only. He's not some ruggedly handsome, bass guitarist, no, he's a little three-year-old filled with rambunctious energy and the sweetest baby giggles.

"And now I know...I'll never be the same," Regina carefully strums, her fingers purposely dragging out the sweet acoustics that vibrate through the entire arena.

Leaving Emma Swan breathless.


The bus jumps as Guy drives over something that's most likely dead on the road, that he couldn't exactly see at three o'clock in the morning. Emma's eyelids peel apart, startling her because she had no idea that she even fell asleep. The last thing she remembers is Regina's slick flesh sliding against hers after another mind-blowing orgasm and she had softly kissed Regina, her nails dragging endless patterns against the singer's back.

Her right hand reaches out for the warmth she desires, but when she comes up empty handed, she slides up in bed and glances around the tiny bedroom. Of course, she finds her beautiful girlfriend hunched over a guitar at the end of the bed, reciting the same words over and over again.

Emma crawls slowly behind Regina's back, careful not to make a sound in the night. Tentatively, she wraps her arms around Regina, causing the woman to jump in her embrace. She places a delicate kiss behind her ear and whispers, "Gina..."

"Don't," her girlfriend strictly interjects the plea she knows is about to come.

"Come to bed," she breathlessly purrs just before her lips press a lingering kiss against a throbbing pulse.

"I need to work on the next album," Regina rebuttals, but her body is claiming the exact opposite actually when her head rolls against Emma's collarbone to expose more flesh.

Emma is right there, never missing an opportunity to feel connected to her girlfriend. She wets her lips and softly places another skillful peck, right before she drags her lips against Regina's neck and lightly sucks the damp flesh into her mouth.

"Em," Regina moans softly, not able to even finish her name because of the pleasure buzzing through her limbs at the moment.

"You need sleep. After your tour, you will have six months to work on your next album without any distractions. Don't worry about it right now," she murmurs lazily into Regina's silky neck.

"I have to," and when Regina swallows a rough gulp, Emma feels the tendons stressing to accommodate that small action. "I need to work on it now, so I don't lose time and become overwhelmed. I don't want to relapse," she chokes on her words, forcing Emma to stop her attack and offer her undivided attention. "I know if I stress out over this album and I can't find my motivation, I will turn to another bottle. I don't want that, not again," she sadly expresses as her eyes fill to the brim with tears, but never fall.

"I know and you won't. You won't drink again," Emma firmly demands, but the defeat etched in Regina's face urges her to retract her previous statement, but she doesn't. "If you find the motivation, then write, but don't force yourself. Once this tour is over in August, you will have until January to write. Please don't stress right now, because right now, your main priority is making it through this tour without any speed bumps."

"I should work." Regina shakes her head, like she's trying to toss her emotions right out of her mind as she reaches for her pencil. However, Emma is faster than she is and sneakier, successfully yanking the pencil and notebook out of arm's reach. "Emma." 

She tosses it recklessly across the room and quickly wraps her arms around Regina's torso and her legs around her waist. Despite her girlfriend's cries of protest, Emma latches on like a damn octopus and slams Regina back into the bed, winning herself an unexpected giggle in return. Emma moves like a ninja, gathering up Regina's wrists and pinning them to the mattress while her girlfriend halfheartedly fights back.

"Time for bed," Emma demands, dipping her head lower and capturing Regina's adorable pout.

This is exactly what Regina needs in her life, spontaneous fun. She needs to laugh, a carefree belly laugh that takes her breath away. She needs to let loose and act like a child, even though she never had a childhood and doesn't comprehend what that entails. She needs Emma Swan to show her the meaning of life.

Regina expertly slides her thigh between Emma's legs and presses forcefully, winning herself a sweet groan from Emma's parted lips. "No, we need sleep," Emma rejects the implication and climbs right off her girlfriend, leaving behind a cute little pout and a frustrated groan.

She pats the sheet and waits for Regina to climb right in before tucking them both beneath the comforter. And because Emma knows Regina so well, and understands that the singer is feeling overwhelmed, stressed and vulnerable, Emma holds her close and allows Regina to cuddle against her chest. She gently massages Regina's scalp to help slow down her running mind and she instantly feels the woman relax against her.

"I loved Henry's song," Emma quietly whispers into the peace drifting between them.

"How did you-"

"Because that's exactly how I feel every time I look at him," she explains, inspiring Regina to press a sweet kiss to her chest.

"I love him, you know?"

"I do," Emma happily concedes, stroking those thick, dark tresses until they both drift off to sleep.

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