Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"What are you doing?" Regina happily inquires as she crawls seductively up Emma's long legs and peeks over her laptop, effectively blocking Emma's vision with a waterfall of cascading dark tresses.

Her heart skips a beat.

Emma removes her thumb from her nervous chattering teeth and waits for Regina to flip her hair back and meet her eyes. Warm, chestnut irises blink in a swirling mix of confusion and worry as they latch onto stunning green.

"You're not going to be touring forever and I need a backup plan," she gently explains, knowing damn well that this could be the match that sets Regina's anxiety into a hazardous roaring flame once again.

But god-she's been so good for two weeks now.

"What? Is it the money? I could-"

"No! No," Emma hastily shoves her laptop aside on the bed and gathers up Regina's hands, tugging the woman into her lap. "I just want to make sure I have a backup plan in case you decide to take a break for a summer from touring." Regina actually appears perplexed by the notion. "Let's be realistic here, you can't tour forever, right?"

"No...I guess not," Regina insecurely mutters, "I just never really thought about it. I've always been in the spotlight, always on the go, I've never thought about a time where life stands still."

"Not stand still necessarily, but slows down," she reasons, her thumbs mindlessly sweeping across Regina's hands to calm the anxious monster stirring awake from his deep hibernation. "I've just been searching for more of a permanent position during the fall and winter, you know?"

A slight frown etches around plump lips as Regina slides forward in Emma's lap and she drapes her arms around her shoulders. "What did you have in mind?"

"I was hoping for something on a television show, I think that would be really cool." Regina nods along, hanging on every word with her brows furrowed in concentration. "But it's so hard to come across something like that."

"I know a lot of people, Emma, and if this is something you really want to pursue, then I'd be happy to make a call and-"

"No! No. I would like to do this on my own. I feel like the only reason I even started here was because of Ruby and I want to earn this, by myself."

"Ruby got your foot in the door, but it was you who earned this job. You know that," Regina trails off as her lips gently mold perfectly against Emma's.

"As much as I appreciate the sentiment, I would really like to earn this on my own," Emma reiterates, encouraging Regina to nod mindlessly as she pushes her lips more firmly against the soft pale flesh.

That's as far as they venture into their heated kiss before there's a rapid and stern knock at the door. Regina groans as her succulent lips fall away from Emma's and she rolls off her. Emma quickly reaches for her laptop and settles it back on her thighs while Regina treks across the hotel room to discover who interrupted them.

"Miss Mills," Guy politely greets her, inspiring Emma to lean over her laptop to catch a glimpse of the kind man.

"Did you get it?" Regina inquires as the driver offers a plastic bag, creating a curious wonderment in Emma's mind. She watches as Regina peeks inside the bag which produces a sappy smile to spread instantly across her face. "Thank you so much."

"You're welcome."

"Hey, Guy!" Emma calls out and waves happily, generating a broad grin to deepen in the man's cheeks.

"Hello, Miss Swan." She rolls her eyes at the formality and falls back against the headboard, a small smile playing at her lips. "Would that be all, Miss Mills?"

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