Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Five days locked inside the mansion without a breath of fresh air or the warmth of sun beating against her skin and Emma is going a little stir crazy. She cannot wrap her head around the thought of Regina being trapped inside this place for three months straight, being forced to write her songs and be sober. Frankly, the solitude alone is driving her to crave a drink, so it's no wonder why Regina can never find the strength through sobriety.

The days and nights have all started to blend together at this point. Emma and Regina waking up with Henry jumping onto their sleepy limbs until one of them convinces the rambunctious toddler into eating breakfast. They both have found tranquility in working together to prepare three meals a day, sometimes baking a treat midday. They spend most afternoons swimming and most evenings in the theater with a classic Disney movie for Henry's entertainment. Usually, the sleepy boy will fall asleep and Emma will carry him upstairs and tuck him in before sneaking into Regina's room.

Every night, Emma will patiently listen to Regina continue writing her next album and when the late night sneaks up on them, Emma will drag Regina back into bed. The singer will pretend to be reluctant, but Emma always snakes her arms around the brunette's slim waist and peppers her neck with playful kisses until Regina is putty.

Each night they take their sweet time exploring each other's writhing bodies; learning what drives the other wild, what sends them over the edge and memorizing every freckle and scar along the beaten path. And after they are both spent, their limbs, without a doubt, will intertwine like they are meant to be molded together and they share their ambitions and goals for the future, staying very far and clear from their treacherous pasts.

"Hey Swan, kiddo asleep?" Jefferson asks over his latest thriller book.

"Yeah," she huffs and falls recklessly onto the couch beside him, using the back as a sturdy base to keep her body propped upright.

Jefferson smiles and hums sweetly as his eyes trail back down to the enthralling words etched into his book. Emma studies him for a moment, remembering every single time he has taken care of Regina and showed his caregiving nature. Discreetly, his baby blues drift back to her face, peeking over his black-framed reading glasses.


Emma jumps, startled by his sudden tone and realizes she must have been very lost in thought. "Nothing...well no...not nothing...per say..."

"Save the incoherent rambles for Cora, honey. What's up?" He asks, setting his bookmark in place and resting the heavy book onto his lap.

"Henry will be out for the night and well, I was thinking...maybe it would do Regina some good if she got out of the house a little bit," she sheepishly explains, already wincing at the idea of him flat out rejecting her proposal.

"You're going to sneak Regina out?" He deadpans, his face as impassive as his wicked Aunt Cora's.

"I've done it before."

"You were caught."

"Hardly," Emma rolls her eyes and picks the seam on top of the couch cushion. "Nobody could really tell that was her."

"And you're confident enough that Cora won't find out and murder you?"

Emma flinches from the statement that holds so much promise. "Where is she by the way? I haven't had an opportunity to ask Regina, well honestly, I haven't wanted to spoil our fun."

"Cora's on her brand new yacht that she just purchased from her prodigy's latest album," Jefferson declares with his infamous eye roll that's identical to Regina's.

"She's on an enormous yacht by herself?" Emma flatly questions.

"No, she's with her friends," he waves his hand dramatically in the air, "traveling around the Caribbean."

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