Chapter Fifty-Nine

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"Whatcha doing?" Emma playfully sing-songs as she flops down on the bed beside her girlfriend, completely lost in the world of technology.

"I have decided to take control of my career," Regina firmly demands, even though her face expresses her full concentration on the small screen glowing brightly in front of her.

"Alright..." She skeptically drags out the word and leans over the phone to discover something rather puzzling. "Instagram?"

"Yes, people are constantly barging into my life and posting personal pictures. So, I have decided to take control."

"You know the paparazzi are still going to continue following you around and fans on the street are still going to post random pictures of you...right? Starting an account with Instagram isn't going to stop people from snapping pictures of you."

Regina sighs heavily and Emma knows that sound too well, her girlfriend is annoyed with her for not following along clearly. The brunette sets down the phone in her lap while Emma crosses her legs like a five-year-old, ready for story time.

"I understand that it won't stop people from snooping around and trying to catch a glimpse of my life. However, I would like to be in control of my life and when things are exposed," she professionally explains, causing Emma to create a painful audible gulp.

"Things...I'm things aren't I?" She questions with dread washing over her body like a thousand prickly needles raining down on her.


"You want to name me," she deadpans, staring intently at her girlfriend squirming under the pressure.

"I would like to be the one who announces us, before the media does. That should be my decision, when you and I are ready," Regina states with conviction, even though her voice is wobbling on the whiny side.

"Are we ready?" Emma timidly inquires, her face contorting by how perplexed she is by the topic.

"Are you?" Regina fires right back with one eyebrow quirking in wonderment.

Emma swallows the mass that unexpectedly lodged its way in her throat and nervously fidgets with her fingers. Her girlfriend is quiet, a little too quiet and she knows the curious woman is waiting patiently for Emma to find her voice again.

"Well...I would prefer if you were the one to announce who I am over some stranger," she timidly vocalizes.

"Emma," her girlfriend softly says as she places her hand upon her knee to grasp her full attention. "I would never do this without your consent."

"I know that." Emma waves off the implication without a moment of hesitation. "What picture are you thinking?" She playfully inquires, crawling into the spot beside the smirking woman.

"So, it's alright with you?"

"Yeah. Some people are already suspicious of me anyways, but I have one condition," she sternly adds on, prompting her girlfriend to nod for further information. "We never post any pictures of Henry or if we do, we block out his face."

"Promise," Regina blurts out like her mouth is working on reflex before she leans in and plants a thankful kiss to Emma's lips.

"Now, what picture are you thinking?" Emma asks again, nodding toward the phone resting in Regina's lap.

"Well, I really love this one."

Regina opens up her photos and she really doesn't have to scroll too far back because the picture was captured two nights ago at Jefferson's house for dinner. He had invited them over, Kathryn along with Ruby and her new girlfriend, Belle or in Emma's eyes, formally known as Lacey. Apparently, the bartender uses a fake name while working to ensure her privacy from creepy drunks.

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