Chapter Fifty-Two

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Life was different. Long gone were deadlines, private jets, tour buses, concerts, and meet and greets. It was quiet, but it was everything Regina had longed for in life and for once, she was calm. The world had finally stopped spinning so viciously around her and as cliche as it may sound, she finally found the tranquility to stop and smell the roses.

The first two weeks out of the clinic were the easiest in her opinion. She worked very hard in those weeks to formulate a sharp plan that would maintain her sobriety, keep her focused and most importantly, distracted. She scoped out the places Archie had suggested for her meetings and she found one that was near her new rental, that she enjoyed being a part of. The group was mid-morning, perfect for the yoga class she signed up for that was very early in the morning. She figured since she wouldn't be working for a while her safest path would be to fill her days with activities.

So, she would wake up at seven in the morning, eat a light breakfast before her yoga class at eight. There, she was able to calm her body down and focus on her breathing for an entire hour. She actually enjoyed that solitude and peace, it's something she was never really allowed as a celebrity, so she cherished this time spent alone. After her class, she would head home, shower and prepare herself for her meeting.

After an hour long meeting with a support group of B-list celebrities and checking in with her sponsor, she would head home, make herself lunch and sometimes lose herself in a novel. Sometimes, she would spend an afternoon completely enthralled with friendly messages between her and Emma. Other times, Jefferson or Ruby would come to visit and keep her company.

Most evenings, she would ask Jefferson or Ruby to join her for dinner before her evening private session with Archie. After her one-on-one time with her psychiatrist, she would workout her frustrations at a nearby fitness center. Usually, she enjoyed her workout to maintain her physique, but sometimes, when her therapy sessions would get the best of her, she pushed herself to escape the old wounds.

She found a routine that worked for her and once a week she had an extra therapy session with Emma. Overall, those sessions were working really well for them and after two weeks, she asked Emma if they could set aside some time for just them, to become reacquainted once again and start building for a better tomorrow. She was absolutely petrified, but Emma flashed her cocky little grin and nodded her agreement, still so bashful as they tried to navigate their way back to the way they once were.

"Are you sure Cora isn't concocting some evil elaborate plan to come after you and steal your fortunes?" Emma seriously inquires as she drains the boiling water from the pasta in Regina's kitchen sink. "I still don't trust her. She let us walk away too easily."

Regina smirks and arches her back over the counter to meet Emma's worrisome eyes. "I promise, she will not bother me any further-"

"But how can you be so sure?" Her ex whines, with that soft bottom lip puckering in the most pathetic, yet, adorable way and all Regina wants to do is suck that silky flesh into her mouth-no, she can't go there. It's still too soon.

"If my mother were to sue me, for whatever her crazy mind believes, that would entail dragging me to court, in the public eye and causing a huge scene. That would reflect poorly on not only her, but me as well-"


"Please Emma, let me finish," she softly commands, but her eyes are narrowing in a stern manner and Emma is quickly snapping her mouth shut. "So, if we go through with this elaborate show in front of the public, that could run the risk of effecting my career. I could lose potential acting opportunities in the future and so on. Which means, that she would be jeopardizing my income, which effectively damages her income as well. Half of my earnings end up in her bank account, so I highly doubt that she will do anything that would risk my fame and fortune in the near future."

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