Chapter Three: Summer

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Day three in the city came and went with no excitement. Partly because my cousin Steve was by my side the whole day. I always had fun with Steve, but I find myself wishing he would find something to do for a little while. We walked with the Center kids to Canton and played baseball most of the day. None of the boys even glanced my way. Surprise Surprise. I miss flirting with Kevin and the boys. God, how I miss those green eyes. He is M.I.A. and I feel this pang of loss for some reason. I guess it's for the best because I need to tell him off for lying anyway. I am not ready with my words yet to do so. Yes, I am a coward. I want to see him, but I hate to see him.  He took the choice out of my hands today anyway.

On day four, Maria can't do my makeup in the morning so I attempt to put my face on by myself. I don't do too badly. The overall package is not as good as she makes me look, but I am better than plain me. I dress in a jean skirt and a tank top. They are not my typical clothes for the center. Maybe they will make up for my lack of the new Tia makeup.

I head up to the rec center early this morning. I don't call Steve or Mike because I want some alone time. Athena perks up.  Yes, I want some flirt time.  The few days I spent without Steve was better than yesterday. As I walk the hill to the center, I am anxious to be near Torri. Without him yesterday, I was bored. Even mad at him, I want him. Even if we just fight. I reach the corner where he kissed me and chills run through my stomach. I want to stop and stare at the wall, but if someone came by I would just be weird.

I continue on and from behind me comes, "Hey girl. What's your name?" I turn around and that is when I hear someone else say, "Off limits man. So off limits. Steve would have your balls."

There he is in all his glory. He makes my mouth water in his Nike Shorts. Then he takes me back to fuming in a millisecond. Your mad, remember Tia.  Mad. Athena warns.

"Just because I am so far above your limit does not mean I am off limits to everyone" I turn around and walk backwards. "So cutie what's your name." I wink and give Torri my sassy smile. I am going to piss him off as much as he pisses me off.

"Mike. But you can call me, Laird."

"Nice to meet you." I respond in my Southern drawl.

Torri's green eyes flair as he stares at me. "Laird I will catch up with you at the center. We will be there in a moment." Torri says through clinched teeth. Laird shrugs and walks on. Ummm hey Mike..Laird get back here. I need you as a shield. Hello, can you not feel the danger I am in. Oh brother, my mouth got me into trouble today again.

"I have only one thing to say to you, you ass." I start shaking my head. He takes a step closer and is in my personal space again. His green eyes feel like they are burning my soul.

"Oh yeah..what's that Tia. You thought about me all day yesterday?" What...wait..No he did not just ask me that. Surely, I didn't hear him correctly.

"Your mood swings are giving me whiplash." I grumble. My anger is forgotten that quickly. Damn those eyes.

"I know something else that can give you whiplash but that is a lesson for another day." Torri smirks.

Lesson?? Now I am really confused. "Lesson. What do I need to be taught? Better still. There is nothing I want you to teach me." He laughs and whispers the word naïve as he tries to pass me. Man this boy can turn my blood on fire. Before I can think I grab his arm and force him back around the corner. Our corner. I push him up against the wall and stare into his eyes. Way to go Tia. Now what. Maybe you are naïve. Athena shakes her head at me. Before I have a second to doubt myself, Torri stares at me so intensely my stomach is in knots. I can't think when he turns those sexy eyes at me. I lean forward and run my tongue over his lower lip and he opens his mouth for me. Tia one. Torri a hundred.

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