Chapter Twelve: Freshmen Year- Summer

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The next day, when I arrive at school, Randy is in the parking lot with my Frappe in his hand. Gary and Jake are standing behind him. I reach the group and smile. "Points for you. Minuses for you guys. You didn't need to help him."

Jake glares at Randy, "Like we had a choice."

Randy cuts his eyes at him. What Randy wants Randy gets. I realize. I am slowly becoming one of those things. Why Athena does that excite me?

We start to walk into the school when Randy whispers in my ear,"Reward?"

"Later" I mouth back.

He pouts. "Promises. Promises."

Brandi and Jamie walk up to the group. They are ignoring me or trying to. We haven't spoken at all since the summer. They are still angry with me for changing. Well girls, I'm angry with you for not supporting the change. Some best friends they are. I'm beginning to wonder if they ever were.

"What are y'all up to?" Jamie asks clearly trying to exclude me as she moves into the group in front of me.

Gary directly points out, "Tim's at the caf."

"Oh I know. We were coming to find y'all. You guys heading our way? We looked all over for you." Brandi whines moving in front of me too.

All three boys turn to me and Jake asks, "Tia?"

Jamie takes the moment to comment, "Why ask her? She's going to class like a good little girl." Screw this. I'm tired of their crap. I am not going to be a coward when Brandi was the one who did me wrong. 

"Yup sure am, I think these boys are gonna follow me. Aren't you guys?" I hope I didn't make an ass out of myself.

"That's the plan." Randy says with his authoritative voice which brokers no argument. For once, I'm glad Randy is the leader. Jake and Gary would have followed me I know. I like Brandi and Jamie see Randy is on my side.  They don't take the hint they aren't invited. Jamie slides in between Randy and me.  He lets her take over the conversation.  So much for him being on my side. I slow my pace to stay two steps behind them. Gary and Jake notice and file in beside me.  Randy doesn't notice my absence. He and Jamie are talking about a class they are in together. She is touching his arm and laughing. Way to play me, Randy. One for you. Done for me. I give them a wicked smile.  He has no idea how good I am at playing this game.

Whatever, I walk even slower and try to break away from the group. I see my opening and tell Gary and Jake in a low voice, "I need to go get my stuff. See you later." They stay with me as I turn off. Randy still doesn't notice I am gone. You Tia, cannot show frustration. Athena offers support inside my head.  The boys walk me to my locker and class. I wave Goodbye to them and start my day. By lunch, I am fuming. He came to school early for me and Randy doesn't look like the school type. He found me to blow me off. I have had half a day to get pissed now.  If I was Randy, I would not come near me right now.

I spot my brother at the tables with the team. He waves me over. "What's up little sis?"

"Nada. Just grabbing lunch." I reply.

"Want to sit?" Jim peers around the table and shrugs. He's trying.  I can tell he's uncomfortable. Jim has always been popular. He is a starter on the State Championship Basketball team. He is funny and nice looking.  Couple it with the charisma everyone gravitates to and you have a trifecta.  So unlike his sister.

"No I'm good. Love you." I say to let him know the effort is appreciated. I don't tell my brother much but somehow he knows my friends hate me at the moment. I do love him for trying .  I got to make my own way. Waving goodbye, I go find my hiding space under the tree.  Lunch passes and no one finds me. It wasn't easy for them this time. When I want to be alone, I can disappear. Walking to basketball, I keep an eye out for Mr. Randy. Much to my disappointment he is nowhere around.  Jamie is much more his speed. She is pretty enough and knows her own mind. She can hold her own with him. I need to walk away and let her have the field.

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