Chapter Twenty-Eight: Late Spring- Freshmen Year

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What's up beautiful? I miss you some kind of crazy. My nights are spent thinking of the way your beautiful smiles plays on your lips. I go to sleep thinking about what you are doing. I am going nutz.

Ok, now no more whining, On to the plan for when I am out. I secured a place to live on your side of town with a boy who use to live at the Home. He also got me a job. It's not pretty but I am a hard worker. I will be making Mobile Homes. I take my GED test in a few days. Wish me luck.

Now, all I need is a car and I will save up for that. I am trying for you, Tia. This might be a little much for you. You are all I want. You make me better. Got to run to go to work on the farm.

Love you,


Ah yeah, Randy this is a little much. How am I supposed to be a grown up with him? I still need to be young. I want to be young. He is going to live in his own in an apartment. I fold the letter and stick it in the "Randy" Box. It is all a little too much for me.

It is Friday afternoon and I am unsure of my plans for tonight. The boys want to go to the Block. I want to veg. I have no love life and no one to party for. The text are coming in like made from Jake and Gary but I try ignore them for the most part.

"Princess...Prrriiiinnncess.. Please come with us." -Jake

"Please Please's not fun without you."-Gary

"We will walk with you the WHOLE time."- Gary

They won't stop so and I cave.

"Fine boys. How are we getting there?"-Tia

"We will find a ride and pick you up at 7."-Jake

"We LOVE you...Our Princess."-Jake and Gary

I smile. Those boys are the best thing going in my life right now. I eat quickly and ask my mom for some money. I tell her we are going to the Block tonight to play cards. No biggie as Brandi's sister will be with us. I hate lying to Mom. She will feel better thinking I am hanging with the Girls. She loves my Boys just doesn't understand our dynamics.

I opt for my Adidas outfit and shoes. It is Black so I put on a white bra and tank top. I stare in the mirror at the white bra. It reminds me of the day during Easter with Torri. I feel a pang of longing for him. He is back to his girlfriend and I am back in the closet.

The boys pick me up at 7 pm with Justin driving. I never met Justin before.  Come to find out, he is the older boy from the Home who will be living with Randy. "So you are the famous Princess who set the Home on fire." Justin offers in the rear view mirror. 

I laugh to hide my embarrassment.  "I don't know about all that. How about we go with Tia?"

"Tia huh..I have only heard you referred to as Princess. Alright Tia, I guess I will be seeing a lot of you once Randy is out." Justin pulls the car into a space.

"I don't know what the plan is. Right now, I want to enjoy being young." Randy moving on to adulthood makes me feel weird.  I don't want to be reminded of it until I need to be. I get out of the car and we head into the crowded sidewalk.

The Block is packed. Partly because this is the first Friday night in a while we can hang outdoors without frost bite. The Boys and I find the group near the middle. They are all in a circle with lawn chairs when we add ours. This time they make room for me. I'm moving up in the world I guess.

Chris is there next to Brandi and Jamie. He looks at me for a long moment and chills run down my spine. Just ignore him, Tia.

Justin continues to ask me all sorts of questions. Gary and Jake chime in every now and again to tell a Princess story to him. We begin to form our own group in the circle. I find out Justin is nineteen. He lives on his own and works for the construction company too. Justin is tall. Really tall. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. Not gorgeous but not bad looking either. 

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