Chapter Forty One: End of Sophmore Year

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Yeah, poor Jarrod. He isn't for me.  I tried one more date but he paraded me in front of all his friends. Spotlight is never my thing.  He drops me off and I wave Goodbye.  Sorry Jarrod, don't think you know me and don't think you are ready to find out.

Randy texts me the second I walk in. Worries me a little how he knows I am home. Probably a coincidence.

"You look amazing. Come over in that dress."-Randy
"Tired from faking the night. You want me in a dress like this figure out how but it won't be tonight."- Tia
"Spoil sport."- Randy
"You'll be happy. Night sucked. Why do guys think we are trophies."- Tia
"Tia any man who has you on their arm...Will not think straight. But I'm glad he pissed you off."-Randy
"Bet you are."-Tia

While texting, I have removed the dress and my makeup. I am much better after getting rid of the night. I sit cross legged on my bed.

"I'm human. You are mine and always will be."- Randy
"Good night Randy."- Tia
"Good Night Princess."- Randy

Spring brings the bittersweet time of Graduation. This year Jim is closing that chapter of his life. After the ceremony, the seniors are heading to Myrtle Beach for one last fling.  Then he is heading to college for an early start on training with the team. Mom is throwing a huge party after the ceremony. The whole family is coming down including Torri. I haven't spoken to him since the Championship game.

I have to tell Randy Torri is coming.  I have put it off since I found out. This is not going to go well because he can not come.  It's Jim's party not mine. I am a little afraid of the outcome of the conversation.

"Where's your boy?" I ask as Justin opens the door.

"He ran to the store. Thought your brother is Graduating today." Justin sits on the couch.

"He is. I need to go get ready. Randy has to hear something, he is not going to like. Full disclosure." I shrug.

"Great Tia. We are suppose to go watch a band tonight. Don't tell him. I don't want a pissed off Randy at the bar." Justin shakes his head in earnest.

"No can do. If he found out, it would be worse."

Randy chimes in,"Found out what?"

I turn and smile sweetly. I hate to pull Justin in but I need a ref so "So honey, you look damn good today. Sexy even.. wish I didn't have family duties today. I would so take you upstairs and.."

"My young ears should not hear this talk," Justin whines.

"Tia, I know you spill it. You give no one the upper hand and contrary to popular belief you are not sweet." Randy pins me with a stare.

"Fine. Fine." I take a depth breathe.  I need to pull the bandaid, "The family is driving in today and Torri is coming with them. I haven't talked to him in months. I don't know why he's coming but he is. No one knows about him and I... I am begging you to behave."

"Fuck. Damn it Tia. He's my kryptonite.  YOU know this.  I bet your going to tell me I still can't come." He finishes running his fingers through his hair.

"What can I do to make this better. Anything. I will do anything." I plead.

Justin hasn't moved. He is gauging Randy's reaction to. We are both treating him like a caged animal. Randy starts to pace. I can tell he is trying to keep his anger under control. "Damn it Tia. Damn. Why does this fucking guy keep on coming here?  You only slept with him once, right. Why can't he stay on his side of the water? You are mine. If he makes a move, I will kill him. I swear. How long are they staying?"

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