Chapter Thirty: Summer- After Freshmen Year

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School is coming to a close. My Freshmen year being this insane rollercoaster ride of life. Randy's last letter stated he will be out by the end of May instead of July. I am weary of having him back after all these months. Justin's warnings are still in my head. Mine and Randy's conversation is going to happen quickly. I know it has to.

There is a big party planned for the night after school lets out for Summer Vacation. We are all going. The whole crew and Chris. Well not the whole crew. I am a disappointed Randy will not be out for another few weeks. The farm brings back some great memories.

The air is steaming. Summer is knocking on Richmond's door with a vengeance.  I decide to wear my short shorts from my time in Baltimore and a red halter top. It shows my mid drift a little, but my dads are in the city. My skin is golden bronze and I want to show it off. Thanks to my workouts, my muscles are well toned.

Jim is not going tonight. He drives me and drops me off. His last warning is for me to behave. I smile, "Always an angel, bro."  As I enter the pasture, I spot Gary and Jake around the keg stand again and shake my head. They beam at me. Please Please boys don't be drunk already. But they are. "Boys." I scold in my best Princess voice. They bow holding on to their beer. Well if you can't beat them..join them. I grab a cup and go to pour some beer from the keg. The cup is plucked from my hand again. Talk about Deja Vu. I turn hoping but knowing it's not Randy. Phillip is shaking his head at me.

"Princesses don't drink beer out of a keg. They drink it out of a bottle." He hands me something called "Fat Tire". I crinkle my nose at the name but take a sip anyway. It is light. I don't normally like Beer. This is smooth.

"Why thank you kind sir," I bow. "Where's your girlfriend?" We haven't spoken since the block. I thought space would be good for him and Trish.

"We broke up. She is a little too much for me."

"I am sorry Phillip. Someone better will come along." I start rocking on my heels uncomfortable and take another swig. Phillip goes to tell me something when my Boys call me over to them. I tell Phillip "Bye" before he can corner me.  He asks as I am leaving, "Save a dance for me?"

"Sure come find me later." Maybe not the best idea but it's summer and I am young.

I walk up to the group. Jake and Gary planted my seat between them and we are around the bonfire again. I am lost in memories of Randy for a while and do not realize I drank the whole beer. Jake jumps up, "Where did you find that. You want another?'

"Phillip gave it to me. I don't know where he got it from." I am feeling a little fuzzy already and probably  should stop with one. I am with Gary and Jake. What could go wrong? Jake walks off in the direction of Phillip who reaches into the Yeti and hands him two. When Jake is back in the group, he puts one in his small cooler and hands me one. Chris decides to join our group a little while later. Some girl is tagging along behind him. She is pretty but meek. I can vision Chris having a field day with this girl. I thank the stars I am on the other side of the fire from him.

"Princess has finally shed her shell. Fat Tire. That is a good beer." Chris looks at me. I raise the bottle and take a swig not wanting to engage his attention. I am almost done with my second bottle when Mackie comes to sit in front of me. These little bottles are nothing.  I'm not even buzzing. They are dainty. Dainty beer..what is wrong with me. Mackie leans back on my legs glances up and smiles. "Tia, has anyone told you you are perfect." he slurs. Mackie and I have a great friendship. But friends are all we will ever be.

"Gee thanks sweetie. I think you are seeing double right now. Two of me must be crazy perfect." I wink at him. I can't feel my tongue. Oh well, I take another swig.

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