Chapter Seventeen: Fall- Freshmen Year

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Phillip is a little confused on the ride home so I try to explain the Greek dynamic to him. He understands their old school ways a little more but still doesn't comprehend why someone would want to hide my beauty. I can't tell him the Torri story. When he pulls up to my curb, I thank him for a perfect night and try to get out of the car.

He leans over the center console. "Tia, you look amazing. I know...I know...I cannot stop saying that. I can't imagine how you are going to top this tomorrow night."

"Oh, I have my ways." I give him a sassy smile.

He tilts his head to kiss me. His mouth is cold and when he tries to open for me, I pull back a little. "Phillip, the boys will be here any moment. I want you to make it to tomorrow night." I laugh trying to cover up the truth. The kiss was fine. Fine. No fire, fine.

"You are so worth all of this Tia but I understand. I will pick you up at 6? Let me rephrase. Can't wait to see you at 6." Phillip offers up the best smile.

The boys pull in as Phillip is pulling away. Thank God, that crisis is diverted. I walk straight past Steve and Torri and head to the house. My mom, aunts and Maria are in the living room. Maria whistles at me and I courtesy. "Wow Tia. You are stunning. The dance wasn't tonight right."

"No the game. My date is on the court with Jim. I am going to go change. You guys going to bed or you staying up?" I ask hoping they stay up. So do not want to deal with the cousins and Torri.

"No honey, it is late for us. We will talk to you in the morning?" Aunt Mary says.

Maria nods, "Need my beauty rest so I can be on point to top this outfit tomorrow." They all rise and Mom leads them to the guest rooms. I imagine the boys are going to stay in the Theater Room. I take off my heels and set them at the door. My feet are killing me. I am not use to playing the girlie girl. I head off barefooted to the kitchen to grab a coke before I change.  And of course, walk straight into a wall, which is Torri. No one else is near us. Damn. I am cornered.

"Well Tia, I see you still have the dress on." Torri pins me to the wall in the kitchen. Shit. Forgot about the dress. Why didn't I go upstairs and change. My heart leaps to my throat.

"Hi Torri, so nice to see you. Glad you made the trip. Welcome to my home. What the hell are you doing here?" I sweetly bat my eyes.

"Tia, I am holding together by a string. I saw you with no less than five guys tonight. I watched you parade around in that dress. I couldn't do a damn thing. Your sassy mouth is not warranted right now. If you want to stay sweet and innocent, go and change please. I need to walk away before we get in trouble." Torri finishes staring at the ceiling.

I turn on my heel and walk upstairs. In my room, I slip the dress off and leave on my new bra and panties. Too many boys in the house. Nodding once, I whisper a "Thank you" for being an awesome dress and go to wash off my makeup. Maybe Natural and Plain Tia will calm Torri down.

The boys are watching a movie in the recliners. Stevie and Torri are missing so I venture out into the kitchen. They are not there either. It's for the best. I am tired and another fight with them will give me a headache.

Going outside to take in the night air before I go to bed, I hear mummers from the pool area. Torri and Steve are deep in conversation about me no less. I approach them and yell, "Let me warn you. I am tired. My feet hurt and there is a long day ahead tomorrow. Anything you want to say about my dress or Phillip should be saved for later because I promise you I am in no mood."

Both boys turn and gape at me. Steve speaks first, "I am glad I came down. I get to witness first hand how my sweet cousin became this Vixen. Tor and I were discussing your date for tomorrow. Maybe, we can tag a long."

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