Chapter Thirteen: Freshmen Year- Fall

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The Boys meet me every day in the parking lot. Randy and I talk a lot on the way to class. He is making an effort. I'll give it to him. We speak on a variety of things about me never him. He is easy to talk to when I'm not on guard. I try to pry into his life and why he's at the Home. He flips the conversation giving me other tidbits about himself.

He still doesn't find me throughout the day. He has chosen to hang out at the Gym until I finish practice. The other boys join him sometimes. We text back and forth throughout the nights. Some banter...some deep dialogue.

Brandi and Jamie flutter in and out of the group. Jamie is turning on her best moves. I can't tell if he likes her or not. I should back away. They aren't good friends to me, anymore, I think I will roll the dice and see where Randy lands.

Torri hasn't texted me a whole lot since school started. I am tempted to text him. He needs to keep on making the first move. Besides I need to let him lead his life in the city.  If fate wants us together then destiny will ensure we will be.

Friday rolls around. Randy and the Boys are trying to talk me into the football game. I am on the low end of the confidence scale. I want to be bold and claim my Guy friends. To the school we are strange.  No one understands my relationship with Gary and Jake.  I need to be bold and not worry what others think.  They are great friends.

"Come on Tia. Show your school spirit." Gary says. "We will make it fun, I promise."

"I don't think so guys. The girls are still not speaking to me and I don't want to show up alone."

"You won't be alone. We will be there." Jake adds.

"I'll think about it." I relent. 

Randy grabs my elbow as I head off to class, "Think about it" he smiles and kisses my cheek.

This is the first time he has made a move since the summer. I was beginning to think he did want to be just friends. The kiss was very innocent. You are reading too much into it, Tia. You're right, Athena as always.  I shrug and head off to class. It probably meant nothing.

Practice is short today because of the Game. Everyone is buzzing at the first home football game of the season. Much to my disappointment the entourage is not around when I leave. They must be at the Home getting ready for the game.

I begin arguing with Athena as I walk to the car.  Tia, you want to be different. You can do this. The Boys will be at the game. They are your best friends. Take the leap.

She's right so I pull out my phone.

"Fine. Seven?"-Tia

"Perfect meet you at the gate."-Randy

"Perfect. Stand me up and this friendship is done."- Tia

"I will be there."-Randy

I wish I made some new girlfriends.  We could go shopping before the game for new outfits. On one hand, I do like being left alone with nothing but my Boys; however, they would not give sassy outfit opinions.

Ty and Jim take me by the mall after I plead, beg and whine. Ty has quickly become like an older brother too. It doesn't take much for him to agree to 45 minutes. "You are the best." I tell him and jump out.  I go in Macy's straight to the jeans. With the money I saved from Christmas and my birthday, I pick up Miss Me jeans and a new pair of converse and walk out in 40 minutes. Ty and Jim are in the car listening to music. They are going to the movies tonight so my brother won't be at the Game either.

Once I am home, I sass up my makeup. I have been practicing winged eyeliner with the help of You Tube. The result is dangerous. Maria would approve. I put on the jeans which hug in all the right places and a dark green T-shirt. Add  my new black converse and red lipstick and I feel confident. If I'm going down. I'm going down swinging. Watch out Jamie. You don't know me. I messy bun my hair leaving curls to fall around my face. Watch out boys. You don't know me either.

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