Summer Nights

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The sun has began to set by the time we leave the dorms. I check my phone, the time reads just after 6pm. I've opted for some blue denim shorts with a black belt and a white tshirt tucked in, my usual black vans finish the outfit perfectly. Roselyn on the other hand has gone for a dress and heels, I wonder how long she will last with those on.

"Alright so do we walk, or call a cab?" Rose asks pulling out her phone from a small white shoulder bag. "Cab definitely. We'll walk to the gates" I add and she nods agreeing with me. Campus is quiet, there are a few people still in the library in the distance, which I should be doing. I can hear a crowd of tanned football players heading to the gates just in front where their friend has pulled up in his obnoxiously loud car.

"Ok so the Uber will be here in a few. Let's go over some rules for tonight." She turns to face me as we reach the gate.

"Number one, you have fun. It's a Thursday, You have late classes tomorrow. Then it's the weekend, You'll have plenty of time to study" I attempt to interrupt but she lifts a finger to silence me as she continues. "Number two, You and I will be having a alcoholic beverage whether you like it or not, This is LA baby. College. Let it loose" I chuckle and she concludes it with "But, The most important thing is that we stick together and stay safe. We'll be back before it gets crazy" She winks and I raise a brow before walking in front to await for the cab on the street.


The Uber ride to Santa Monica Pier is no more than 10 minutes, We exchange conversation about the sites around us and the driver tells us some information as if we're tourists. Which we basically are. "Oh my god, I see the wheel" Rose chirps and points through the window. A smile creeps onto my face, It definitely is a pretty sight.

Rose pays the driver after many attempts of me trying, she tells me I can buy her a pizza on the way home. I pull out my phone and send my mum a text before we enjoy ourselves, Just to be on the safe side. Hey Mom! LA has been fantastic so far. Made a friend, We're checking out the Pier tonight. Love you lots x Give dad and the boys a hug for me <3 - A

I push my phone into the back pocket of my shorts and follow Roselyn down the side of the pier towards the crowd of rowdy college students surrounding the beach.

"Aliyah right?!" I hear a voice call out behind me as we reach the large crowd. I turn my head to spot Jake with a few cups in his hand approach us. "Here you both go!" He chirps handing me a cup and then Rose. "You're here?" I say surprised. He laughs quietly and rolls his eyes, "Where else would I be?! If you're not here tonight you're definitely taking college too seriously." I smirk and take a drink from the red cup in my hand. It is definitely pure vodka with a dash of sprite, I know the taste of vodka pretty well. Even though I focused way too much in school to drink most nights, Will and Frannie were bad influences and we did have a little too much to drink on prom night.

"Ali" Rose's voice takes me from my thoughts.

"Oh sorry, Just thinking about the taste of vodka" I laugh, frowning afterwards at how stupid that must've looked and sounded. "No you're good, Uh I'm going to talk to a few people from class down there by the water. You two good here?" She points towards a few people messing around near the water. I nod quickly and look to Jake, "You're Ok with me hanging with you for a few?" He looks at me confused and then nods, "Stupid question. We can discuss psychology all night long" He teases and we head off to sit on a blanket he has lay next to a group of his friends.

His friends are pretty loud but focusing on their own things, I notice the blonde boy fighting with Colby in the hallway of the dorms sat next to us with a short girl with black hair, She looks chirpy as hell, this must be the girl that they were arguing about last night. "You're staring" Jake's voice coos quietly, I look at him then we both laugh. "Sorry. I'm a nosy person" I shrug and he nods, taking a drink from his cup.

We spend about an hour chatting about home life and our future plans. I've definitely gone through about three cups of straight vodka. I'm dreading to stand up. "So, you're planning on going back to Arizona after you graduate?" Jake asks as he looks out to the sea. "Yeah I mean, LA is cool but I couldn't move away from my family. Phoenix is a little boring, but I'm not used to the partying and opportunity. I'll get lost in my own head" I laugh and he nods. "Well, I'm planning on trying to get Lacey to move out here" He refers to his girlfriend. "She won't?" I question taking a swig of my drink. "Nah I mean she has family issues and her mum is pretty over-" We're interrupted when a squeal comes from beside Jake.

I look in the direction and see Sam standing to his feet drenched in what looks to be beer. On the other end of the bargain is Colby, the empty red cup falling to his feet. "You deserved that bro" He teases, the two of them laughing together as Sam sits back down. They must've got over whatever drama had occurred earlier. "Kat, you're lucky you're dating my bestfriend" Colby teases and sits on the blanket I'm sharing with Jake, he doesn't look in our direction.

"Uh I think I'm going to go find Rose." I slur and attempt to stand to my feet. I fall slightly to the side before I regain my balance. "Don't forget your phone" A deep voice sounds, I dart my eyes to Colby who is holding my phone, It must've fell out my pocket as I stood up. "Do you want me to come with you?" He asks, standing to his feet as I retrieve my phone from him.

"Oh I don't want to be a bother. I'm literally going to look for my friend." I smile slightly.

"Roselyn right? Yeah I know what she looks like. Let's go" He places his hand onto the lower bottom of my back to stop me from falling again. The alcohol has really gone to my head as he leads the way, I find myself staring at his appearance. He's head to toe in black, a few rings linger his fingers and he's swooped his hair back slightly. He's definitely attractive but a little intimidating.

"You cant keep your eyes off me huh" He mocks, Removing his hand from my back as I find myself walking fine. "No I'm just..You're pretty intriguing" I laugh and he looks at me confused. "Who says someone is intriguing to look at?" He frowns slightly but still has a smirk on his lips.

"A Psychology student. It's sort of my goal to be a therapist and with that you need to be able to read someone. You're dark and mysterious." I laugh but he remains straight faced. "Oh. Right. Anywho, Enjoy your night I'm going back to the boys" He points in the direction of where we just are, I look around to find Rose but she's no where nearby. Did I say something to upset him? I look back in his direction to question him but he's already walking away and I'm a little too intoxicated to try and follow.

I take a seat in the sand and stare out the sea. I guess I'll try sobering up for a few moments before I try and find Roselyn again. My head drifts into thoughts about the conversation I just had with Colby. This boy really is Dark and Mysterious huh.

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