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I glance up and down the corridor before turning the corner to where I saw Sam and Colby arguing that one night. If I remember correctly it was the 4th room down the hall. I frown, glancing down to the door, Why am I doing this. I promised myself I would stay away from him as he is a possible distraction. But this is for my classes right? It can't possibly be that bad. Before I know it I'm standing in front of the door and knocking twice.

The door takes a while to open and I contemplate leaving before it swings open to present a flustered blonde boy, Sam, "Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude on you like this. But is Colby in?" Sam frowns, looking behind him, I spot Katrina sat on the bed under the duvets. I glance between the two before clearing my throat and taking a step back, "Oh my god. Wow, Uh,-" He cuts me off with a small laugh before stepping out into the hall, "No worries. Colby isn't here, He went to hang out with some guys down at the burger shack. You know, the one out-with campus down the road a bit? I'm sure Jake was going too, You guys have class together right" He shoots me I smile and I exchange one, nodding my head. "Yeah, I'll give him a text. Thank you, I'm Aliyah by the way" Sam smirks, "I know who you are" taking me aback and with that he steps back into the room with an awkward wave from Kat, the door shuts.

I pull out my phone as I walk down the hall to the elevators. I really don't want to be seen as purposely looking for Colby especially when he's with friends, So I pull out my phone and give Jake a text. Hey Jake! I hope you're not too busy off doing therapist things, but are you free for a burger at the shack? - A x I read over my text before pressing send and hopping into the elevator. By the time I hit the bottom and walk outside I've already received a response Aliyah! Sure, I'm actually down here with a few friends just now but I can order for you and meet you at the skatepark, it's just around the block? I smile at my phone, texting him my order and agreeing to meet him I set off. I really hope Sam doesn't give Colby or Jake a heads up, or worse, tells them I already knew they were there.

By the time I arrive the sun has began to set, I take my time to walk across the sidewalk to the crowd of boys at the park. Some of them are covered in tattoo's, a little intimidating, whilst others are wearing their UCLA football jackets. I just hope I'm not the only girl here. When I find Jake's mop of hair I discover there are a few other girls dotted about. "Hey, you made it!" Jake calls out as I approach him, he hands me my burger, guiding me to take a seat on the bench. "It may not be warm." He laughs and I unwrap it to take a bite. Looking around the crowd I don't spot Colby making me think maybe Sam did give him the heads up.

"Did you find yourself a client?" I ask Jake, taking a bite out of my burger.

"Yep! I was walking around campus after class and I spotted a girl sat on the grass by herself. She didn't particularly look unhappy but I just thought I'd join her and see what's up. Within five minutes she was crying, telling me all about her broken home and I knew I found my project" He smiles and I join. "Lucky you" I laugh, wiping my face of any crumbs.

"Have you seen Colby?" I add, Jake lifts his eyebrows and turns to me slightly. "Ok, Is this like a, I may want him to be my project or I find him incredibly attractive want to date him kind of, Have you seen Colby?" He jokes and I roll my eyes, "No, I was thinking more project" Jake laughs whilst shaking his head, "He will not open up. I mean give it a go but honestly, save yourself from the time waster, he's too serious. You ask the guy if he wants to go to a party and he questions every little detail, where did they get the alcohol, how long will we be there, what if the cops show up, But then when you ask him why he has all these burning questions he shuts you off and tells you to mind your own business. He's so irritating" he scoffs, rolling his eyes and I look away.

"What the fuck did you just say?" A voice calls out behind us, My eyes widen as I notice the voice, placing the little left of my burger onto the bench I turn to look at an angry Colby. By the time I can even stand up for Jake, Colby has grabbed him off the bench and has him by the collar of his shirt. I look at Jake who seems unfazed, smirk plastered on his face. I stand to my feet as people begin to create an audience. "Colby, let him go!" I yell, Colby looks at me in disgust before loosening his grip on Jake. "Who the fuck are you to go spreading lies about me, Huh? Mind your own damn business right? What I always say to you. Fucking learn it" He spits, letting go of Jake's shirt he turns to me, "As for you, stop going around asking where I am, If I wanted to be part of your social experiment you would know", my mouth drops as he turns and walks away, the crowd boo's with the lack of bloody noses for them to witness, they go back to there own business.

"Jesus Christ, are you good?" I ask Jake who nods. "Like I said Aliyah, I wouldn't waste your time" He sympathetically smiles and takes a seat on the bench.

I stare at Jake for a few moments before glancing in the direction Colby has gone, I spot him sat on the hood of a car in the distance. "Y'know what, No. I'm not going to just sit back and let people be treated like shit? He needs a good pep talk" I put a hand on hip causing Jake to raise his brows and chuckle. I turn on my heel and head towards the parking lot.

Colby has a permanent frown on his face, but he seems to have calmed down slightly. When he notices me coming he stands away from the hood of the car and rolls his eyes. "Did I forget to add stay away from me to my statement" He says as I get in front of him. I fold my arms and shake my head as I watch him, "You didn't need to do that." I state causing him to raise a brow, "Right, I didn't need to warn someone not to chat shit about me, I should just watch it happen" a sarcastic smile plasters across his face. "No, you could've sat down and spoke it out like an adult Colby. I just asked him where you were I wasn't digging for information" I say.

"Ok. But what is this whole project thing he's talking about?" He asks, making me wonder how long he was standing there listening into our conversation. "Well, Uh, Our Um," I stutter causing Colby to sigh, "So what you came over here to lecture me and now you're speechless?" He sniggers. "No. We have to find our first client to work with for the first semester. Y'know, where we meet up to talk about our mental state" I unfold my arms and turn to stand beside him where he's not leaning back against the car. I can feel him tense up beside me, making me nervous. "You do realise it's actually pretty offensive to think I'm that fucked up that I need a therapist." He says bluntly, I roll my eyes and stare ahead, "It wasn't like that. It was just because I don't know a lot of people and I had questions to ask you and well..I felt like you were the right person at the time, but now I feel like you're just pushing me away because you think I may ruin your repu-" I'm interrupted by the sound of Colby clicking a key to unlock the car doors.

"If you really need help, I'll do it. But it needs to be anonymous Aliyah. I swear" He sternly says. I smile and stand to my feet, trying to contain my excitement, "It will, Promise" He nods and opens the passenger seat to what I now presume to be his car. "Get in, I'm not talking here" I nod and smile widely, climbing into the passenger seat of his car.

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