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The whistle of the birds outside fill the room as Roselyn opens the blinds this morning, presenting us to the gorgeous blue skies of Los Angeles. I've had the best sleep yet since I've got here and it's very refreshing. "Morning" I finally croak, standing to my feet and rummaging for my toiletry bag. "Hiya" Rose chirps as she flips through the pages of a textbook on her bed. "I'm going to shower" She nods, keeping her eyes on her work as I leave the room with a robe and sliders in hand.

I've became really comfortable around Rose and I would even consider her one of my best friends. The way she listens eagerly to what I have to say, The way she cares for my wellbeing. I really appreciate it.

I hang up my robe and strip off behind the cubicle before switching on the hot water and standing underneath it as it wets my hair. I know it's just before 7:30am so the showers aren't as busy as they will be in about an hour, but there are a few people gossiping as they dry their hair off.

I don't time waste and quickly shampoo and condition my hair before wrapping it into a towel and throwing on my robe. I take time to brush my teeth and proper cleanse my face before heading back out into the dorms with my sliders and robe on.

The cold air hits my face as I pull my towel out of my hair as I walk, "Morning" Sam's voice startled me, causing me to drop my towel onto the ground, he picks it up for me. "Was in my own little world" I laugh quietly and he smiles, "Well, I'm starving. So I'll see you around Ali" I smile at him and keep walking to my dorm, that was awkward but I'm just glad it wasn't Colby I walked into.

After I've finished drying off my hair and applying a bit of light makeup I find some black leggings and pair them with a white crop top and my trusted white vans. "I'm going to do the laundry today, do you need anything?" I ask as I place my dirty clothes into a pillow case. "Nope, doing mine with Kendall later" I smile at her with a raised brow and she glances at me before looking back at the mirror where she was brushing her hair.

I grab my books and shove them into my rucksack along with my car keys and phone before saying bye to Rose and heading out the door to do my laundry.

The laundry building is quite close to Psychology which is perfect to meet Jake for my coffee shortly. Today we are spending the day with a therapist who is going to teach us about mental illnesses. I'm actually quite looking forward to asking them what mental illness a stubborn boy who kisses you but then tells you to fuck off would have, although that is extremely unprofessional to assume someone has an illness.

I roll my eyes at my thoughts as I load up a washing machine with my washing, taking a seat on the bench in the middle of the room.

"You're Aliyah right?" A boy asks me as he takes a seat next to me on the bench. I saw him loading up his washing a few minutes ago and staring at me, but I brushed it off. "Uh..yeah, you know me?" I frown and he smiles, "I'm Brennen." He sticks out his hand for me to shake which I awkwardly do.

"I'm a friend of Colby's...well, I'm his dealer" He shrugs, I clear my throat before speaking, "Oh right. Nice to meet you" I smile slightly as I stand to my feet, moving my now finished washing into a dryer. "You wouldn't happen to know why he's been bulk buying my weed would you?" He asks, running a hand through his hair.

I turn to face him, folding my arms. "No, why would you just assume that?" I frown, he laughs quietly, "Well when I asked why he said and I quote, Aliyah Michaelson is the reason." I drop my folded arms and he shrugs, "So either he's selling it to you or.." I cut him off, "He is most definitely not selling to me." I almost shout and he stands to his feet, "Okay. He must've just been blaming you" He sniggers and walks back to where his laundry was.

I choose to ignore him as I finish off my laundry, folding it all neatly and placing it into a holding locker so I can pick it up after class. I eagerly want to say something to the drug dealer before leaving but he does it for me, "I'm sorry if I came across rude, it's just the guy owes me money and has been ignoring my calls" I shake my head, "Whatever business you guys have, sort it between yourself. Me and Colby are not friends" I smile awkwardly before leaving the laundrette and walking to the cafe to meet Jake.

When I get there a few people linger around and I see no sign of Jake so I order my usual coffee and muffin before walking to class alone.

Professor Cowden and Professor Welsh are awaiting for the classes to show up and enter the biggest lecture hall in the department with a professional therapist today, also who I've learned the name of Margaret Turnberry. "Hey, thought I was going to be late" Jake mumbles as he takes a seat next to me in the large lecture hall, I send him a sympathetic smile and take a sip from my coffee.


The day flies by which saddens me a little, before I know it I'm leaving the nice therapist that taught me all about separating yourself from other people's lives when it comes to staying professional. I also learned a lot about Anxiety.

"Productive day huh" Jake says as we walk out of the building together, I nod, "Yep. I'm just glad we only have one class tomorrow" I laugh and he joins me. "If you and Rose want to come by the burger shack tonight we'll all be there" he tells me, I glance away from him, "I don't think that's the best idea." I awkwardly rub my arm and he shakes his head, "You're not going to start avoiding me because of that idiot!" He says sternly and I laugh quietly, "Ok ok. I could do with some of those chilli fries from there" He lifts a brow, "Exactly. I'll text you." I smile and with that head back in the direction of the dorms.

On the way back I think about the car I just bought and how I really don't need it to get around campus so I make a mental reminder to begin to see more of LA.

Once I've organised any homework and sorted myself a comfier outfit consisting off leggings and a sweatshirt, I ask Rose if she'd like to come by the burger shack which she agrees to do so and we head out to my car.

I'm here now, meet you at the skatepark, J x I glance at the text on my phone before placing it to my side and driving out of the campus.

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