Be Yourself

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The cool air from the gap in the window hits my face as the sunlight shines through. I slept in this morning which was refreshing. As I sit up in my bed Rose is very much still asleep. She's definitely going to be hungover today. I take my time to fix my bed sheets and put away any clothes that need washed into a laundry bag. By the time I finish and find something to wear, Rose has woken up.

"Morning." She groans and pushes herself up from her pillow, "Hello, Hungover are we?" I smirk at her, finding my toiletry bag. "Least I had fun aye" she laughs and I tell her I'm going to shower and we'll fill each other in when I'm back.

The showers are busy this morning as people start to return back to reality after the weekend of partying. I imagine this is how it's always going to be. Despite the crowd I still take my time to wash my hair and brush my teeth before returning to dorms. I've thrown on some comfy shorts and a T-shirt with my sliders to return back.

The room smells less of alcohol when I return as Roselyn has found her way out her bed and has changed from her costume. "I'm so hungry" She whines, searching through her dresser for a snack. I sit at my desk and begin to brush out my damp hair. "So what happened when I left?" I ask and Rose takes a chunk out of her cereal bar as she sits back on her bed.

"I didn't see much. I was upstairs and when I came downstairs to look for you before I read your text, wow, the place was empty" She laughs and takes a bite out of her bar.

I laugh and pull out my makeup bag, "So, You and Kendall huh?" I raise a brow and her facial expression changes from neutral to worried very quickly which causes me to look away from her. She clears her throat before speaking and I continue to fondle with my hair. "I was going to speak to you about it, but I really don't know, y'know?" I look back at her and tears have started to fill her eyes which makes my heart sink. "Oh Rose" I stand to my feet and take a seat beside her on the bed. "You can talk to me about anything! I know we've only known each other a short while but I have ears! I can listen. I don't care if you're a lesbian or not! I think it's fantastic that you're finding your true self. That is what college is all about!" By the time I finish ranting her cheeks are covered in tears but she is smiling which relaxes me.

"That's why you're going to be the best psychologist I will ever know! You know just what to say!" She laughs softly and I join her.

"Yeah." She breathes, turning to me slightly, "I haven't ever thought about girls that way until college Ali. But Kendall, we clicked as soon as she was my lab partner in bio and I knew there was more to it" I nod, listening.

"We didn't do anything upstairs I know it probably looked that way. But we just talked. It was nice and I found out that she has the same, feeling" I smile and so does she.

"So I guess we'll see how it goes." She finishes off and I move back from her bed to my desk. "I hope it all goes well" I flash her a smile as I find my makeup bag and begin to apply some light makeup.

"What about you?" Rose asks as she stands to her feet and finds her own makeup bag.

"Well..Me and Colby kissed" I throw the bombshell at her as I pucker up to apply my lip balm. She gasps and turns my chair to face her which causes me to chuckle. "Details?!" She squeals excitedly and I shrug, "We had an argument and the next thing I knew I was dreaming about his minty breath" my eyes widen at my honesty and her jaw drops. "That's amazing!" She squeals again and I politely "shh" to remind her hungover college students may still be asleep.

We gossip between us about last nights party and finish up getting ready to head off campus for breakfast. There's no sign of anyone that either of us know for a ride so we call an Uber and head off.

"I really need to find myself a car" I whine in the backseat of the Uber.

Roselyn laughs, "Yes, you do. I need a personal chauffeur" She winks and I roll my eyes. The driver drops us at a cafe near the same skatepark that is in walking distance of the campus, which is rather embarrassing. When we got into the Uber Roselyn told the driver to take us to the best cafe he has been to in LA, and this seems to be it. We tip the driver for only taking us the short drive and head inside.

Despite it being so lovely and bright out, inside the cafe is dull with dim lighting. There is an elderly man with a newspaper at the window and a young girl behind the counter who is too indulged in her phone to notice me and Roselyn staring at her.

"Sorry." She stands up from her leaning position to take our orders. I opt for tea over coffee today after the amount of alcohol from last night and go for eggs and bacon. The waitress tells us she will bring our food to the table as we sit with our hot drinks.

"Did you see me throw myself in the pool last night?" I ask, taking a sip from my tea. "No, what!?" She laughs and I begin to explain.

When breakfast arrives it is piping hot, we tuck in and eat in silence, exchanging looks every so often at how we're eating. You would think we had never had eggs before. "Oh my" Rose mutters and I frown, she wipes her face with a napkin and I turn to look in the direction she is looking to see a women with straggly blonde hair with a ripped t-shirt and a obnoxiously oversized bag walk into the cafe. "Is everything al-" I return my eyes to Roselyn to question her but she is already to her feet.

"Mum?!" She calls. My fork hits the plate and the awkward tension fills the already small space of the cafe.

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