Mind Games

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"What in the world.." Sam mutters as we pull up outside Brennen's house, it isn't as big as Kat's but from what I learned on the way over here, he doesn't live alone and shares with a group of his friends, including Corey who is actually a good friend of ours.

"It's in darkness." Colby states, frowning. Roselyn pulls out her phone and shoots Kendall a text to let her know that we are here. "Maybe it's just casual drinks?" I ask, picking at the hem of my dress with nerves.

"She said just come in..Sketchy." Roselyn says, I look at her confused before taking a deep breath and following everyone's lead of climbing out the car. The approach to the front door is short and just like I expected when Colby pushes open the door, quiet sounding music fills the place and we're presented with the living room surrounded with people quietly drinking. "Well.." Colby stops in his tracks to scan the area before sliding his hand into mine and leading the way into the kitchen. Nobody seems to be bothered by our presence which I'm glad for.

"Oh Roselyn, you made it! And you brought friends." Kendall greets us in the kitchen wearing a bralette and some blue jeans, she looks rough. "Hi..." Roselyn mutters a response and moves from her to us.

"I would never have guessed she would have." Brennen sarcastically remarks as he appears behind her, gripping onto her waist. I look from them to Rose who looks away quickly. I don't know what kind of fucked up game they're planning to play but Colby fidgeting beside me is making me uncomfortable. I clear my throat before speaking as Sam walks out of the kitchen with a sigh, "Why did you invite her then Kendall?" I ask bravely, Colby tightens his grip on my hand which reassured me.

"What is it to you." She looks at me with a scowl before refocusing her eyes on Rose who is still avoiding eye contact. "Actually it has a lot to do with me, Roselyn is my best friend and you inviting her here is fucked up." I look at Colby who has a frown plastered on his face.

"The bitch barks." I hear a familiar voice appear in the kitchen and automatically want to scream, Jayde. "Watch your mouth." Colby turns to her and she begins to laugh, folding her arms. "Oh come on, what's got into you babe, no more humour?" She pouts.

I look to my feet as Colby removes his hand from mine, turning around to cool off. "What are you doing here?" Sam asks Jayde as he returns to the kitchen, she shrugs and refills her drink in the middle of the room.

"You're pathetic." Colby pipes up as she swallows the liquor with a smirk, he slams a hand onto the counter and her laugh fills the air again. "You weren't saying that when you were in my bed last week Colby." Her words almost take the breath from me, I look at Colby wide eyed who looks like he is about to explode with rage, "Aliyah don't listen to her." He looks at me and I know he has automatically shut everyone else out to give me his full attention. I don't want to believe her but he has kept things from me before, but we are stronger than that and right now this isn't about us. I turn from him "What is this? Are you all just trying to make a mockery out of us?" I ask, my eyes shoot to Brennen who clears his throat, "Aliyah, grab a drink and stop being so uptight." Colby dives from the counter towards Brennen who stands with a smirk but Sam stops him from making any contact.

I begin to walk out the kitchen, this is all getting a bit much. I hear Roselyn rush behind me as Colby calls out my name but right now I need a breath of fresh air.

"Don't listen to her Aliyah, she's just trying to fuck with you, I looked at Brennen and he looked so smug." Roselyn tries to reassure me. I know me and Colby are not dating, but I think I've made it clear of my feelings for him and I hope he hasn't done anything with her.

"Aliyah, we can leave." I clench my jaw when I come face to face with Colby. "They are making my life hell Colby, everywhere I go." I look away.

"To be honest, I want to have fun. It's Saturday after all." Roselyn looks at us with a mischievous look which does lift the mood slightly, "They have vodka and beer. Come on, we'll grab a couple drinks and avoid them." I frown, I can tell she is just hanging around to figure things out with Kendall on her own but the thought of something to drink that will make me forget about what Jayde said seems nice right now.

"I'll be here to drive you guys home whenever." Sam comments as we re-enter the party that has began to liven up. "Vodka and Coke." I mumble to Colby who hasn't kept his eyes off me, like I'm going to run away from him at any given moment.

"I'll have the same." Rose sends Colby a wink and he heads off back into the kitchen to fetch them, Sam follows closely behind. "What are you thinking?" Rose asks, leading the way into the living area which has a combination of sofas, you can tell this place is lived in by boys. "I don't want to believe her but she seemed so..so truthful?" I push a strand of hair behind my ear and Rose just shakes her head. I don't know what to believe.

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