People Change

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"Do you want to play beer pong?" Colby asks. We've been sat in the living room as the music fills the air, everyone seems to be spread out in groups of people, chatting. Will and Frannie are off somewhere too. "Sure" I stand to my feet, leaving my empty cup on the table as we head to another room where the beer bong is set up. I spot Jake, Sam and Corey at one side of the table and Kat, Devyn and a new girl I haven't met at the other. "Girls v Boys?" Jake calls out, I nod, standing behind the new girl who turns to me, "Hey I'm Tara, I'm with Jake" she smiles, I glance at Jake who looks away, "Sweet, nice to meet you. I'm Aliyah" I exchange a smile and Colby stands to the side with the boys.

The first round is a loss for the girls, the boys are just experienced. I did struggle to bounce the ball into the cup every round but drinking the beer when Colby got his into mine was ok. "Okay, round 2?" Sam asks, Kat squeals "We're going to kick your ass this time." She says and I laugh. "Alright we are in this time." Brennen's voice startled me, he stands behind Colby placing both his hands on his shoulders, he stiffens. I frown as Kendall stands behind me, she is dressed in darker clothing and her eyes look tired. I stop staring and look back to the beer pong. I thought she was away with Rose, guess not.

"This time you guys are not drinking beer, I want you to take a puff from this joint" He pulls a joint out from his back pocket, my automatic reaction is to look at Colby for reassurance, but his eyes are focussed on the floor. "I'm not smoking that stuff, I'm out" I say bluntly, Brennen laughs, "Lighten up Michaelson. It's only a little bit" His voice has no humour in it, If there is one thing I've learned from my parents that is to never feel pressured into anything I don't want to do. I shake my head, folding my arms as I step back from the line formed at the girls side of the table. "Come-" Brennen is cut off by Colby, "Let's just play."

With a sigh I turn from the table and decide to fetch a drink from the kitchen. I'm not mad at Colby for wanting to smoke and hang with his friends but he could have at least supported me rather than staring at his dirty shoes. "Have you seen Kendall?" Roselyn's voice takes me from my train of angry thoughts as I remove the plastic cup from my mouth, I definitely have been gulping down the vodka. "She was with Brennen, they're playing beer pong in the back room. Have you seen Will and Fran?" I place the cup on the side, she shakes her head and walks away, tripping over her own feet as she does. I laugh whilst shaking my head.

"We won Ali! You should've just stayed" Kat pouts as they enter the kitchen. I laugh quietly, Colby side hugs me, I look up into his eyes, the familiar red rings don't seem to be there. "Where are you friends by the way?" He asks, taking a swig from his beer bottle. I laugh, shrugging. "Somewhere." I turn to him.

He places a hand on my cheek, placing his lips on mine. This Colby is my favourite, the non-embarrassed Colby. He's kissing me in front of his friends, I have to say I'm thinking way too much as his lips are on mine. "You're pretty hot tonight y'know" he breathes, I wink. As I step back from him.

"Stop!!" My eyes move from Colby to Kat as she screeches, looking in the direction she is looking my jaw hits the floor. "Get off him!" Fran shouts, I leap in their direction, "What the hell is going on?" I look between Will and a boy I haven't met who looks as high as a kite. "This douche thinks I was hitting on his girl when I was talking to Fran, he's a moron! Couldn't see past the clouds of smoke to see that it was Fran and not his whore girlfriend and the fact I don't swing that way" Will spits, the guy tries to swing a punch again except this time almost hits me, "Hey!" Colby joins us in the hall, "Alright, let's calm down here." I say calmly, standing in front of a raging Colby.

"No, You brought us here Aliyah! Heck you made us come on this trip and look how it ends up!" Fran shouts, my mouth parts and I become speechless as she helps Will straighten up before walking to the door. I look at Colby who is still scowling at the stoner, "I swear to god Mitch if you don't walk away." He mutters, I press my hands on Colby's chest to turn him away.

I look back towards the door but Fran and Will are already jumping into a cab outside, "Are you ok?" Colby mumbles, placing a kiss on my forehead, I sigh. "I'll deal with it in the morning." I laugh quietly, he rolls his eyes before taking my hand and leading me back into the kitchen. I do feel horrible but Will has a foul mouth that has got him into bother in the past. I guess I haven't been the best friend they remembered.

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