Come Back To Me

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"Thanks" I say quietly when Colby finally hands me my order, he looks at me like he wants to add something but looks behind me as I step aside, "Next" he says and I quietly sigh before turning away from the shack and heading to my car. Once I'm alone I decide to eat outside the car before I get in, so I take a seat on the bench where I was sat with Jake a few days ago.

My head is spiralling with thoughts about Colby as I eat. I'm probably over exaggerating in my head about the whole situation and now that I've seen him, I just need to focus on my studies. It's clear to me that he has his own life. Before I know it I've finished eating and back in my car. I drive slowly back to class to kill sometime and park near my psychology building instead of back at the dorms. I grab my bag and head inside.

The lecture hall has started to fill up and Professor Cowden is setting up what looks to be a projector. I find Jake, Harriot and Jen sat together and smile before I sit down next to Jake. The class has a pretty slow start as the lecturer goes over some key things to remember during our client sessions before he shows us a few example videos on the projector.

One of the therapy sessions really sticks in my head by the time we finish watching, it reflects on a teenage boy who lost his father at a young age. He struggled to fulfil the Male role in his family and disappointed his mother by joining the wrong crowd in school which ended in a lot of gang violence. It made me really feel grateful for the family that I do have.

"Alright guys. We only have about ten minutes left of class, I may have carried on with the clips longer than anticipated. But that doesn't mean we can't have an update in the assigned groups. Please feel free to spread out across the lecture hall. I'll be here for questions" Professor Cowden tells the class before sitting behind a desk and scanning through a book.

We find a quiet area in the corner of the hall and take a seat. Harriot gives an update first and reflects on a anonymous female who has previously suffered with anorexia. Her sessions seem to be going a lot better as she explains that they spent the weekend going over how she managed to clear her head and get back on her feet after her lowest times. After Jen explains that she couldn't find a client until yesterday and she hasn't had a chance to chat to them yet I feel a bit more relaxed about my failed sessions. It's time for Jake, he's very open about who he has and names her Yasmin Callahan. "She's a English student. You might actually see her hanging around our crew soon Aliyah, she's became quite good friends with Sam" I nod and he continued "So I approached her and she started telling me about how her parents are getting a divorce after her mum had been having an affair with their neighbour but then, we met up yesterday and she told me her father was having an affair too so they're trying to work it out. She feels low and alone. I'm offering her a chat whenever she needs me and I've been teaching her how to stay positive in low situations."

I smile at Jake as he speaks fondly of being able to help out his client. He finishes off by explaining to Harriot how he managed to stop her going into a panic attack and before I know it it's my turn. I choose not to mention names to Harriot and Jen even though Jake already knows. "So, I was struggling a bit like yourself Jen to find someone right away. But I finally found someone. He is a bit frustrating to say the least" I glance at Jake who quietly laughs, "I did have one small session with him which was short but sweet. One thing I have learned about my client is that he is very concerned about his image and what he tells people. He worries that some people may look at him differently if he sounds like he has emotion." I sigh and look down to the floor, "He's not got back to me about a second meeting as of yet. I think I might need to even switch clients. But next meeting we will see huh" I awkwardly laugh but the others just smile at me.

Professor Cowden quickly dismisses the class after our chats and I suddenly feel a weight off my shoulder. I say goodbye to Jake and head back to my car to move it to the dorms. I frown as I see a boy standing up against my car in all black but notice when I get closer that it's not just any boy, it's Colby.

"Uhm?" I say as I unlock the doors and Colby turns to look at me with a smug expression. "New car I see" he says and stands back from the vehicle, speculating it. "Yep." I say quietly, opening the passenger door and throwing my bag inside before returning to the front. "You seemed weird before, at the shack" he says as he folds his arms. I frown, "I don't think so Colby" I laugh and he frowns, "What?" I shake my head, "You're trying to just have a normal conversation with me? You ignored me for almost 2 days?" I sigh and he just looks away, "I just came to say, I think it's best if we don't cross paths Aliyah." He says, looking back at me as I frown yet again.

"Where is this coming from?" I say louder than expected which causes him to step forward, "I just got off work Ali. I really don't want to be out in the street arguing. I'm doing what I think is best." He says and looks away again. "Can we talk?" I signal to the car and he shakes his head before reading my confused expression, he nods and climbs into the passenger seat. I sigh, getting into the drivers seat and driving towards campus exit.

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