Beautiful Weekend

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"What's with the dark clothing?" I ask Colby, pushing another grape into my mouth, laughing. The last week has been incredible. I managed to spend the week catching up on any assignments that I had and I've been getting to know the best parts of Colby. The weekend has begun and perfectly with a picnic at the park. "I can't believe you're asking that." He complains, pulling a bottle of water out the basket of food I supplied. I lay back to look up to at the sky that has started to be replaced with the night. "Well, it suits you, I'm not criticising." I laugh.

I haven't been commenting on my project around Colby this week. It's been nice to just have one on one time where we get to know the best parts of one another and not all the negative. But with the end of the first semester on approach I really need to get the ball rolling, so even discreet questions may go towards something. "I just like it. It isn't to symbolise how I'm feeling or anything, it's just like your summer dresses, you like those right?" He chuckles, sitting up. I frown, tilting my head "What is wrong with those? It's hot out" I pout.

"Oh nothing." He hums, his eyes scanning the park. "It's been a week since our date, and here we are." I look at him, "Here we are." I smile. He leans forward, placing a swift kiss on my lips before separating. "It's been good, I think we're taking this at our pace and it's nice." He looks away, I ruffle my hand through the grass. "You don't seem convinced" I laugh, He shrugs. "I'm not used to the slow pace that's all, but I'm being honest. It's refreshing." I cross my legs and stare at him, "So how is it usually?"

"Well, I don't usually take girls on dates to fancy restaurants and parks. I'm one of those dudes that lets the girls come to me." He looks back at me as I look down at my hands. "Like Jayde?" I think back to Wednesday when I spent the day studying at the library and Jayde and a few friends confronted me about my date with Colby. It ended in me leaving in silence, I won't fuel her fire. "No A, she wasn't a girlfriend of mine." He scoffs, I look at him, "Either am I."

He tilts his head, "But I like you, and I see something with you. There's more feelings there than there ever has been with Jayde." He reassures me, I smile slightly. I don't want to be the jealous type but Jayde is stunning and I know she is more Colby's type.

"Okay, what do you say we head back to my dorm and chill?" He stands to his feet, brushing the grass of his legs. "Sure, I'm pretty tired, it's been a long day." I complain as I pack up the blankets and left over food, Colby takes the basket and I lead the way back to my car. "Won't Sam be there?" I ask, Colby shrugs. "Probably not". I nod

The drive back to campus is short, the sunset has truly gone and the temperature has lowered. I lock up my car as Colby heads inside with the basket. "Hey you." Jakes voice startles me as I step away from my car, "Jake, Hey. What's up?" I smile. I haven't seen him much this week as he's been missing classes for his project. "I came by to see if you wanted hang out but I see your preoccupied", he gestures towards Colby. I tilt my head "Oh, Sorry. I'm free tomorrow if you want?" He shakes his head, "I'm hanging with Tara tomorrow then you know how it is, Kat's in the evening. Will you be there?"

I shrug, "Not Sure. I might just stay in and FaceTime my parents all night." I laugh and he joins me, "Well if you do decide to come, hit me up." I nod, "Aliyah, the elevator can't stay here all night" Colby complains. I look at him and then back to Jake, "I'll text you." I call out as I rush to Colby.

"So you won't be coming to Kat's?" Colby asks as he unlocks the door, opening up to it being empty which I'm grateful for. "I don't know, is it really going to be part of my weekend every week?" I sigh, pulling off my shoes and jacket. He shrugs, "Well, it doesn't have to be I just thought you enjoyed them." He laughs, closing up his curtains.

I shrug, "They're alright but it's not my scene." I state, taking a seat on Colby's bed. I've spent quite a few nights here this week. Sleeping beside Colby has been making me late for class but I feel safe and content. The single bed sharing isn't the best though.

"Alright." He hums, pulling off his shirt. I watch intently as he rummages through his dresser, his tattoos on the back of his arms flexing. "Staring is rude." He makes a sarcastic remark, I look away as he turns around. "Aliyah." He hums, standing in front of me. I frown and look up at him, He smirks. "What?" I laugh quietly. "Nothing." He mutters, reaching down and crashing his lips onto mine. Our lips move perfectly together as he pushes me back and climbs onto the bed with me. "You are beautiful." He breathes, moving his kisses from my lips to my neck, I grip onto the back of his arm. "So are you" I state, my cheeks immediately flushing. "I'm beautiful am I" He mocks, removing his lips from my neck to look at my face. I roll my eyes, "Moment ruined" He sniggers at my remark before turning onto his back. I close my eyes as the faint sound of his radio fills the room, letting myself fall into Colby's arms.

"What have I done.." I hear Colby mumble as I fall into a deep sleep, deciding not to comment on what I heard.

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