Morning Blues

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Thank you guys so much for the crazy amounts of love this week alone, we were #1 on the colbybrock tag and that's a massive achievement for me. Love you all and sorry for the break!


Waking up as Colby Brock's girlfriend feels no different to any regular day, although the headache I have acquired has ruined my Sunday already. "Hey." I mumble to Rose. We didn't last much longer at Brennen's yesterday evening so me and Rose ordered an Uber whilst Colby and Sam stayed and hung out with Corey and Jake who appeared.

"Morning." Rose pushes herself up and looks out the window from her bed, groaning. "Rain." I glance out and lift both brows, happy to see some rain for a change but surprised.

I take the bottle of water I left beside my bed and take a gulp before shooting Colby a morning text and climbing out of bed. I grab my toiletry bag and head off down the hall with my robe. I need to start my project today before Halloween week rolls in and the semester comes to a close before my eyes.

"Hey." I respectfully mumble to a girl who is also in the showers, I close the door behind me and strip off before soaking in the hot water.

"I need advice, so our project, you know the one I've suppose to be doing with Colby first semester?" I ask Rose, she sits up in her bed, brushing out her wet hair. "Yeah."

"Well, Professor Cowden said it can be completed in story form, and it's pretty interesting ya know? I was thinking of titling it the Sad Little Boy, it suits his past and his personality perfectly. But do you think it's offensive?" I sit cross legged on the bed, placing my binder in my lap.

She shakes her head, "Of course not. At the end of the day, you have a project that goes towards your final grade. If I was Colby I'd expect offence." She giggles and I nod, pulling out a sheet of paper I begin to take notes.

It's the start of the last four weeks of first semester tomorrow, shortly I'll be leaving for Christmas, luckily I do have a trip home for thanksgiving in a couple weeks to catch up with my parents but this project has to be completed by Christmas and I'm never late. I take my time to write down some key points about Colby, his image and reputation and his family alongside his upbringing.

No matter the situation, someone's thoughts are what control them. For example, you are madly in love and it's your wedding day, the emotion running through your veins and how you feel when you're around that person is the most important thing. A funeral, you feel sadness but sometimes anger and those emotions are what makes you human. Just like the Sad Little Boy I met at the end of my summer, when I first laid my eyes on him I knew he wasn't like other boys his age. He was trapped.

I lift the pen off my page and look out the window at the rain, "I remember the first week I wanted to have Colby as my client, he was so angry." I chuckle and Rose joins me. "He's a changed man." I nod with raised brows.

But he was just looking for an escape from the bad decisions he had found himself within. I asked him about his anger quite regularly. He didn't want to open up to me at first but I thought to make sure he knew I was there and cared for what he has to say. He told me about his father. A man with not a lot to lose after the departure of his wife. He did not care for his sons after that, his job was his life and so his son, the Sad Little Boy felt he had to follow his steps and become the Lawyer that he was too. But that all changed when he met a friend for life who taught him the more important things in life, the world that needs to be explored.

I sigh, pushing my books to the side as my phone begins to ring. "Hey beautiful, lets grab a bite to eat." Colby's voice sounds through the phone and I feel relief to be taken from having to relive all that is his life as I stand to my feet and slip on my vans.

I should really infest in a umbrella or a coat as I stand under a shelter outside as Colby brings his car round the front and I jump in. "Nice outfit." He compliments as we take off, I look down at my leggings and sweater before realising he was being sarcastic.

"What do you fancy to eat, I'm starving." He complains, turning the radio down slightly. "Pizza?" I look at him and he nods "Perfect."

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